May 29, 1880

(Only contains articles that referred to Kittitas Valley.)



From a private note received from Kittitas Valley we learn that Mr. Jas. BATES, an old time California acquaintance, was married on Sunday last to Mrs. Martha A. MULKEY, at the residence of the former. James is a good fellow and we wish him and his consort a long and happy life.


Notice is hereby given that all persons holding claims against the estate of Thomas CANADAY, late of Yakima County, deceased, are required to present the same to the undersigned Administrator, for settlement thereof, at his residence in East Kittitas Valley, in Yakima County, W. T., within one year from this date, with the necessary proofs and vouchers, or they will be forever barred. Done by order of the Probate Court of Yakima County, W. T., March 15th, 1880. Milton CANADAY, Administrator By E. P. BOYLE, Attorney for the Estate