February 2, 1889
Published by D. J. SCHNEBLY every Saturday, Ellensburgh, Washington Territory
Unreadable letters are shown by ?.
Names are spelled as the paper shows them.
This paper was written about 5 months before the big fire destroyed much of the town on 4th July 1889.
James PARSON Post, No. 11, G.A.R., meets every Saturday at 7 a.m. Room on Main Street over PERRY's Drug Store.
Ellensburgh Lodge No. 39 F&AM meets 1st and 3d Saturdays of each month. J.P. SHARP, W.M. G. H. BAKER, Sec'y.
Stated convocations of Ellensburgh Chapter No. 11, R.A.M., held at Masonic Hall second Saturday evening of each month. M. GILLIAM, Sec'y. S. C. DAVIDSON, H.P.
Stated conclaves of Temple Commandery, Knights Templar, on the 2d and 4th Thursdays of each month. E. T. WILSON, EC. M. COLE, Recorder.
Presbyterian, Pastor LAURIE
M E Church, Rev. J. W. MAXWELL,
Pastor Church of Christ, J. E. DENTON,
Pastor Baptist Church, A. M. ALLYN, Pastor
Wenatchie Steam Ferry - The Wenatchee steam ferry is now in operation and ready to cross all parties en route to Salmon River or Big Bend with dispatch at the lowest rates. E. O. BURCH
Mrs. DURGAN has moved into her new brick on South Pearl Street. Miss Minnie HURLEY of Portland, is here visiting her mother, Mrs. M. A. HURLEY. Mr. Geo. HUR??? and P. C. McGRATH started for Ruby on Wednesday. They go by private conveyance. John B. ALLEN, delegate-elect, has gone ??? and will be at Washiangton during the inauguration ceremonies. PEARSON has opened up once again, one door ??? of his old place. M??? EM???ON, after being laid up over health, is to be about again. He was quite sick with malarial fever. Teams loaded with goods are going over the mountains all the while to Waterville and parts of the Big Bend. LANG, a former resident of this valley, spent the fall and the fore part of the ?? in Montana and California. He returned last week to Ellensburgh. He went to Montana for his health, but we are sorry he was not much benefited by his stay there. The sheriff has withdrawn from Roslyn and has been in this burg several days. Ferry boats on the Columbia at Wenatchee and below have been blocked by running ice. The ground in the streets is frozen to the depth of 20 inches, as is shown by digging down to the water pipes. E. T. WILSON, at BENNETT's store, wants a few good, well broken work horses, weighing about 1200 pounds each. The Columbia river is filled with ice at the crossings below the mouth of the Wenatchee. The river is frozen over in places. HAZLET, the pilgrim printer, was in Milton, Oregon, last week. It seems he is not disposed to slight any portion of this broad land. Everything is quiet at Roslyn, at last accounts. The new miners have gone to work in No. 3. The other mines are closed down for the present. Fred BLANEN, colored, shot and killed Frank JOHNSON, colored, at mine No. 3, Roslyn, last Saturday. Coroner HENTON held an inquest. The road to Wenatchee, over the mountains reported as quite good this winter. THOMAS was in town this week, and says there is not to exceed four inches of snow in the Wenatchee country. Col. KINNEY smiled on us again this week. We are pleased to see him greatly improved in health. "Richard" is beginning to look like himself again. T. G. McDOWELL has the inside track for postmaster, under the new administration. The coal miners are all armed. There is little use for firearms where people are disposed
to do what is right. When arms become necessary it is time to leave. KLEINBERG Brothers bought the 30-foot lot opposite FOGARTY's store this week, of J. C. ELLISON. Consideration $3,000 -- $100 per foot. A good buy, and cheap. George B. HENTON wishes it known that he has bought the SHOUDY store and has taken posession. Cattlemen inform us that stock on the range are very poor. They were thin when winter commenced, which, though not severe, has been hard on them. Here we are, February 2d, and no winter yet, and if we have any it must come in the next two weeks. Forty colored miners went up the road to Roslyn this week. The company has grown tired of the assumed management of their business. The time is drawing near when the miners who cannot tolerate the bosses placed in charge will have to give way to law-abiding men. There is no cause for riot and no grievance to adjust. The business men of Roslyn are seriously affected by the prolonged disturbance caused by the strikes. The monthly disbursements used to aggregate $50,000 but during the last week in December, no work was done and, as a consequence, upwards of $12,000 in wages were lost to the miners and trade. These strikes are disastrous to the town and cripples all business.
Editor Localizer: While rambling around the city, I observed some marble headstones directed to J. L. BROWN. I was a little puzzled; for I was certain BROWN did not have relatives buried here. On meeting Mr. BROWN, I enquired about the marbles. And he replied that Jas. Parsons Post, G.A.R., made application for headstones, to the Quarter Master General of the United States, nearly two years ago, for comrades FORD and OLMSTEAD, and they had just arrived.
OBITUARY - Montgomery
Died - Wednesday morning, Jan. 30, 1889, at his residence on the Nanum, after a short illness, Robert F. MONTGOMERY, in the sixty-first year of his age. The funeral took place from the family residence on Thursday, the remains being deposited in Odd Fellows cemetery. The deceased was one of the Oregon pioneers, but removed to this country some ten years ago, and since his arrival has lived on the farm where he died. He was a just man, a good neighbor, a kind husband, and an indulgent parent. Peace to his ashes.
Present: E. T. WILSON, Fred AGATZ, S. KREIDEL, W. O. AMES, S. L. AMES, J. McCARTHY, Henry OLIVER, J. E. COX, H. S. ELLWOOD, and J. T. ARMSTRONG. The object of the meeting was to elect new officers: President, W. O. AMES; Secretary, ARMSTRONG & NEWLAND; Treasurer, Ralph KAUFFMAN; attorney, Mitchell GILLIAM; Directors S. KREIDEL, J. McCARTHY, O. HINMAN, Fred AGATZ, Henry OLIVER.
MARRIED (Darling-Sherwood)
In this city, on the 27th inst., J. T. ARMSTRONG officiating, Mr. W. S. DARLING and Miss Cora E. SHERWOOD, all of Kittitas County. This lady is to be congratulated on obtaining her Darling. It is not every lady's good fortune to secure such a boon in selecting a partner for life. May the blissful beginning have an equally happy ending.
Some time ago a white, 2-year old steer broke into my pasture and is now with my cattle. The animal is marked by under half-crop in the right ear and is branded (B with an arch over it) on the right hip. Owner can get steer by paying for this advertisement and settling
damages. John F. LYEN
A light sorrel or buckskin horse came into my neighborhood about 3 months ago, and has been at my place about a week. Said horse is branded H on the left shoulder. If the owner will come and take him away at once, he can have him by paying for this advertisement. From this time on his keeping will be charged for. Perry CLEMAN
FROM LAKE CHELAN (Special to the Localizer)
The weather continues mild. Mercury ranging 20-35 above zero. Judge I. A. NAVARRE and Gus COOPER have located what they call a fine ledge of limerock, about 25 miles above the mouth of Lake Chelan. A. A. LYTTLE, E. WOLF, and J. CUNNINGHAM, of Waterville, left for a hunting trip the 26th. They expect to camp near twenty-five mile creek where deer is reported plentiful. Mr. Edwin H. WARNER, who is connected with the engineering corps of the Seattle Lake Shore & Eastern Railroad, was a guest of the Hotel Chelan the 26th. He was enroute from the Okanogan to Ellensburgh and Seattle. The steam boat is progressing. Messrs. FALLET and GAGGIN expect to have it completed within 60 days.
Payment Stopped
All persons are warned not to purchase or otherwise negotiate for a certain promissory note executed January 2d, 1889, by W. H. PETERSON and Clara V. PETERSON, for $750 with interest at 12 per cent per annum, payable to A. N. HAMILTON on order, and endorsed by A. N. HAMILTON as the same is my property and has been lost, and payment stopped. Howard C. WALTERS
Land Office at North Yakima, W. T., Dec. 27, 1888 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the judge, and in his absence the clerk, of the district court of Kittitas county, at Ellensburgh, W. T., on February 11th, 1889, viz.: August NESALHOUS, Hd 1708 (W W S), for the w1/2 nw1/4 and w1/2 sw1/4 sec 20, tp 18n, r20e w m. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: A. A. MEADE, S. T. COX, Erick LARSON, M. C. COOK, all of Ellensburgh, W. T. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and regulations of the Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. J. H. THOMAS, Register
L. M. LaPOINTE has retired from the butcher business, but will, as before, continue to deal in all kinds of stock. People wishing to buy or sell stock of any kind will do well to call on or address him at Ellensburgh, W.T.
A stray cow came to my place on the WATSON ranch a short time ago. She is spotted, red and white, the right horn is broken off close to the head, is branded P on the right side, also has another indistinguishable brand on the same side; the tip of her tail has been cut off. Owner please come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away. Christ JOHNSON
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows will celebrate the event by giving a Grand Ball on the above date in SHOUDY's Hall. No pains will be spared to make this the Grandest of all Balls ever given in the city of Ellensburg. Tickets, $1.50, and will be on sale in a few days. Music by REED's Orchestra. |