Saturday, April 13, 1889
Ellensburg, Kitittas County, Washington Territory
NEWLAND - In this city, April 3d, to the wife of W. R. NEWLAND, a son.
COLE-KEENE - At North Yakima, March 31st, Mr. N. A. COLE of Ellensburgh and Miss Katie A. KEENE of North Yakima. CHURCH-GILMOUR - In this city, March 31st by Judge DAVIS, Mr. Robert CHURCH and Miss Ella GILMOUR.
POINER-JENSEN - In this county, March 31st by Rev. Mathew BIRD, Mr. Samuel POINER and Miss Anna JENSEN.
PRATER - At Roslyn, April 4th, Gertie Laeimta PRATER, aged 4 months and 8 days. The remains were brought here for burial.
Mrs. GEORGE made application for a divorce at the last term of court. The complaint set forth as the cause was failure to provide,cruelty, and abandonment. The colonel made no defense.
A. BAUMGAERTNER has bought out J. G. HARDWICK's boot and shoe store and will conduct the business in the future. Mr. B. has recently arrived from Texas. E. J. HAMACHER, formerly photographer of this place, has bought out a gallery at North Yakima and moved down there last week. Mrs. Lucy H. WASHINGTON, the national WCTU organizer and lecturer, will speak at the courthouse at Ellensburgh on April 14 and 15. Thomas BROWN, the colored man who shot and killed Frank JOHNSON at Roslyn, was tried at this term of court, and contrary to expectation,the jury returned a verdict of manslaughter. Rev. Jas. A. LAURIE went to Chehalis this week to attend the Presbytery of Puget sound, which met on Thursday evening... Rev. Mr. ALLEN will supply the pulpit in the academy chapel during Mr. LAURIE's absence. Several families of this valley have gone to the Methow country to live, having previously taken claims there, built houses on them and raised small crops during the last season. Among the number is Mr. STONE and his son Manfred. They have gone to reside there and are highly pleased with their new homes. Elmer LOCKWOOD exhibited some very fine looking galena and silver quartz from a new find a short distance above Conconully city. The quartz looks very much like that of the Ellensburgh, and is perhaps on the same lode... Prof. John STRAUB of the state university, Eugene, Oregon, arrived here on Sunday. Mr. STRAUB has invested in Ellensburgh dirt, having bought two lots on Pearl street north of 5th street... He left for his home at Eugene on Tuesday's train. The manufacture of starch requires no expensive machinery. Mr. BOSSONG says the potatoes raised here are full of starch, and at the ruling price of potatoes it might be made paying business... John GALLER, or Dutch John as he is called, on the Wenatchee, had his peach orchard and vineyard badly damaged by the bursting of a flume on the hill above his house... The LATIMER house was closed on Tuesday night on account of the ill health of the landlady. The boarders were looking out on Wednesdayfor new places to board. Mrs. WOOD, of several years' experience in teaching, will open a select school for children under ten years of age, April 15th, in Pinestreet, between 4th and 5th, where she has procured a large room quite suitable for the purpose. J. G. HARTWICK, well known as a first class boot and shoe maker, is now with J. L. COLEMAN where he will be pleased to welcome all his old friends and as many new ones as may favor him with a call. Read GILMOUR & MILLER's new ad in this issue. They begin business in the new shop of T. T. WILSON, on the corner of Pine and 4th Streets. John GILMOUR is an old time smith and has been here for seven or eight years practicing as a son of Vulcan.
Captain HATCH is in command of the steamer Ellensburgh this season. P. C. JONES and wife, of the Hawaiian Islands, arrived here last Saturday a week ago, and invested in property here to the amount of $15,000. The foundation of the new school building on the corner of Third and Pine streets is laid and work on the superstructure is progressing. Six brick yards are now making brick for use here this season. The brick machine of SCOTT's arrived last week and was put to work at once. This will be a very busy season in Ellensburgh. Twelve brick buildings are under contract.
By a private letter received from Spokane Falls, we learn that the story of James GILMOUR, formerly of Ellensburgh, but for several years a blacksmith at Ruby, had attempted suicide, is not correct. Mr. GILMOUR has been quite unwell for some time. It was thought that a change of location would result in a benefit to his health; consequently he went to Spokane Falls for that purpose. It is true that he took morphine to assauge the pain he was suffering, in order to induce sleep, but that he meditated self-destruction, our informant says, is not true. When we saw Mr. GILMOUR at Ruby, two years ago, he was a hard working, industrious man, and was doing well at blacksmithing. He had, too, some good mining prospects. We are pleased to say that Mr. GILMOUR's health is better, and he is likely to live a good many years. His wife and the two boys, we believe, are still in Ruby, and Nora, the daughter, is going to school at Vancouver.
The parties named should at once present their receipts and obtain their patents. Eleazer B. MASON Samuel S. COX Peter E. PAULSON Alexander A. MUNSON Robt F. MONTGOMERY Jas. M. MONTGOMERY Hezekiah S. ANDERSON John B. BRUSH Thomas ELLISON Frank H. WIKIUS John HOLTZ John W. N. JEWETT William McLEOD Wm. S. MERRILL Wm. M. JOHNSTON Carry CHAPMAN Wm. F. BEERS John G. OLDING Frank C. BARNHART Harvey McEWEN Marcus CAHOON Charles C. COLEMAN Andrew J. HODGES John E. VOICE Michael RICHARDS Ira L. BURTON Chas. W. ELLIOTT Elijah D. GREWELL Sarah F. OLMSTEAD Alanson T. MASON Edwin N. COOK Wm. THOMAS Wm. A. FORGEY Jacob BOWERS Charles P. COOK Keathley BAILES John BLUMQUIST Patrick DESMOND Frederick D. SCHNEBLY James DERMOTT Thomas N. DOAK Ephraim ALLEN Fred'k D. LEONHARD Mary A. HANNA John M. PEASE Granolete M. CUMBO T. F. McCAUSTLAND John L. AM??N Charley NASON Jas. K COATS (Walter A. BULL assignee)
U. S. Land Office, North Yakima, W. T., March 12, 1889 I, John McMINIMON of Ellensburgh, W. T. who made desert land application No. 129, on the 10th day of May 1886 for the NW 1/4 and n 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec 20, Tp 17 n, R. 20 E., WM, hereby give notice of my intention to make final proof ... on April the 25th, 1889, and that I expect to prove that said land has been properly irrigated and reclaimed in the manner required by law, by two of the following witnesses: T. T. WILSON, H. L. JOHNSON, Michael BRIDGES, Joseph BRICE, all of Ellensburgh, W. T.
U. S. Land Office, North Yakima, W. T., Feb. 19, 1889 I, Ira CANADAY, of Wenatchee, W. T. who made desert land application No. 125, on the 15th day of March 1886 for the s 1/2 se 1/4 sec 27, and n 1/2 ne 1/4 sec 34, tp 22 n, 4 21 e, WM, hereby give notice of my intention to make final proof ... on the 15th day of April, 1889, and that I expect to prove that said land has been properly irrigated and reclaimed in the manner required by law, by two of the following witnesses: George VOICE and Reuben STEADMAN of Wenatchee, W. T., Robert N. CANADAY, of Ellensburgh, W.T., and E. W. LOCKWOOD of Conconnully, W. T.
U. S. Land Office at North Yakima, W. T., March 23, 1889 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim ... on May 21, 1889, viz: John MAHER who made Homestead Application No. 840, for the sw 1/4, sec 22, tp 20 n, r 16 e. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: Oscar JAMES of Roslyn, W.T., George S. PRIEST, William MACK, and Joseph B. STEVENS of Teanaway, W. T....
U. S. Land Office at North Yakima, W. T., March 23, 1889 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim ... on May 6, 1889, viz: Oscar JAMES who made Homestead Application No. 760, for the se 1/4 sec 22, tp 20 n, r 16 e. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: John MAHER of Cle-elum, W.T., George S. PRIEST, William MACK, and Joseph B. STEVENS of Teanaway, W. T....
Land Office at North Yakima, W. T., April 9, 1889 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim ... on May 18, 1889, viz: John C. WILSON who made Desert Application No. 134 for the nw 1/4 of sec 27, tp 17 n, r 19 e, wm. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: F. H. WILKINS, Mouroe DAVIS, H. L. JOHNSON, T. T. WILSON, of Ellensburgh, W. T.
Land Office at North Yakima, W. T., April 8th, 1889 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim ... on June 3d, 1889, viz: William BRANAM of Cle-elum, W. T., who made Homestead Application No. 827, for the ne 1/4, Sec 34, Tp 20 N, R 15 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: W. J. REEDE, Oscar CASH, O. S. BOOTH, A. F. PENNINGTON, of Cle-elum, W. T...
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the partnership estate of the firm of L. W. HOLMES and E. W. LYEN. All persons having claims against estate are required to present ... to the administrator at the office of GABY & EWING... dated March 29, 1889. L. W. HOLMES, Administrator of the Estate of the firm of L. W. HOLMES and E. W. LYEN, deceased.
in Justice's Court before J. T. ARMSTRONG... George DAY vs. Frank DIE ... on the 6th day of May, 1889...The object and prayer of said complaint is to recover judgment ...for work and labor performed... Also for the sum of $10.00 for work and labor performed for said defendant by one Fred D. POOLE of the city of Ellensburgh, which said claim has been duly assigned to the plaintiff herein...
SHERIFF'S SALE, 6th April 1889
Under and by virtue of a Writ of Execution issued out of the District Court ... for a judgment rendered in said Court on 4th April 1889 in favor of Charles PANSING, and against Frank A. LUWE and Paul LUWE for the sum of $323.95 ... I have levied on all the right, title, claim, and interest of said defendents ... to the following property (Note: long description) in Kittitas County, W.T...
John B. DAVIDSON has just had completed a full, complete and correct set of Abstract books, of all the lands, towns and additions in Kittitas County ...
C. McVICAR, watchmaker and jeweler, has opened a shop in the California Fruit Store, on Pearl street, opposite the Kittitas Meat Market...
The Ellensburgh Keg House, corner of Main and Fourth streets is run by O. B. CASTLE... choicest liquor and cigars...
A. SHOUE, Physician, Office.
C. D. OSBURN, M.D., Physician and Surgeon, office over Capital Drug Store.
Dr. A. M. MUSSER, Dentist, corner of 4th and Pearl. All operations pertaining to dentistry skillfully executed. Prices within reach of
the poor.
Edna BAXTER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Offers her professional services to the ladies of Ellensburgh and vicinity. Room 2, Geddis Block, opposite the Johnson House.
Dr. T. J. NEWLAND, Local Surgeon NPRR, who guarantees to give satisfaction to those who patronize him. Surgical Cases are especially solicited as long experience insures successful treatment. Office: Main Street.
S. C. DAVIDSON, Attorney at Law. Office, first building west of Johnson House.
J. H. NAYLOR, Attorney at Law. Office: One door north of Ellensburgh Keg House.
J. B. REAVIS, A. MIRES, C. E. GRAVES, Attorneys at Loaw. Will attend to all U. S. Lands Office business. Office at Ellensburgh and at North Yakima.
W. G. PORTER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Office in Odd Fellows Block.
Jno. B. DAVIDSON, Attorney at Law. Special attention given to collections and Real Estate matters.
S. O. MORFORD & F. H. RUDKIN, Attorneys at Law. Will practice in all the Courts and attend to business in the US Land Office. Offices up stairs in the Geddis Block.
Daniel GABY & E. W. EWING, Attorneys and Councillors at Law. Office one door west of Ben E. Snipes & Co. Bank.
L. A. VINCENT, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Office in Odd Fellows Building, corner of 3d and Pearl Street.
O'CONNOR & HOGAN, Dry Goods. Lynch Block, corner of Pearl & Fifth Streets.
John GEIGER, The Fashionable Tailor...Shop on Main Street, two doors south of WOODS Barber Shop.
Central Meat Market, Pearl Street...
BECKER & COX Money furnished to pay out on railroad lands.
L. R. GRIMES The Gem Restaurant... Lodging House in connection with the Restaurant...E. P. GAILLAC, Proprietor L. HAGAN, Undertaker, residence on Fourth street, between Pine and Ruby.
The "Blue Front" still open ... first class groceries ...
J. S. ANTHONY, Main Street, between 4th and 5th. New Cigar Store, The Cosmopolitan.
BORNSTEIN & Co., Proprietors, Pearl Street between 4th and 5th. Blacksmithing, Carriages and Wagons built new, Horseshoeing... W. OLDHAM. LUND's Billiard Hall, Roslyn, W. T., Thomas LUND, Prop.
ELLENSBURG, The Future Capital of the State of Washington Centrally Located in the Garden Spot of Kittitas County, Only 26 Miles West of the Columbia River... Ellensburgh Doubled her Population in 1888 and will do the same in 1889.
Backed by her Natural, Unlimited Mineral and Agricultural Resources,
she has Attracted the Attention of Shrewd Investors from Northern and Eastern Cities... and, with the Assured Fact of our Immediate Connection by Railroad With Steamers on the Columbia River, it is no Vain Boast to say that Before the Snow Flies this Winter PROPERTY WILL ADVANCE 50 PER CENT, and when the above road is completed there will be found in our midst many of our Croaking Brothers of Little Faith who will
"Weep and Wail and Gnash Their Teeth: because they did not act to buy those Cheap $50 and $100 Lots now selling
for one-Fourth Cash and the balance in 12 Months, at Ten per cent per annum.
These lots, which are unsurpassed for residence purposes, are finely situated North of the Original Town in MICHEL's FIRST ADDITION. For Sale by RAMOS & MEAGHER, Real Estate and Mining Brokers. Main Street, between Third and Fourth.
via Cascade Division Train for East, through to St. Paul, leaves Ellensburg daily at 1:05 p.m. Train for West, through to Portland, leaves Ellensburg at 11:35 p.m. daily.