Note: This was written about 4 weeks before a fire destroyed most of Ellensburg.
ITEMS OF LOCAL INTERESTDied in this city, of brain fever, Helen, the 15 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WISHARD. M. S. PURMAN has twelve horses at the race track. They are all working well and in good keeping. CRAIG Brothers are making brick by steam power... Died, at Oakland, Oregon, last week, Mrs. Margaret M. ROADMAN, sister of A. MIRES, Esq., of Ellensburgh. CRAIG will have in his orchard on the hill cherries, peaches, prunes, plums and apples, a good many of the last named. Mrs. HARRIS, of San Francisco, mother of Mrs. Samuel KREIDEL, has been spending a couple of weeks here on a visit with her daughter. Married, in this city, June 1, 1889, Rev. J. Wesley MAXWELL officiating, Mr. Clarence L. SANDERS of Ellensburgh to Miss Alpha A. ZEEK of Cle-elum. Mr. W. R. ABRAMS now sports a fine span of black buggy horses, a gift from Ben E. SNIPES, Esq. It is a valuable present and one that is only appreciated by Mr. ABRAMS. Mr. T. M. McDOWELL presented this office with a beautiful boquet of roses out fresh from the bushes... W. C. WILSON of Waterville, came in this week from that place... We wish that North Yakima would keep her hoodlums home and not send them up here to annoy our people when they go to the theatre. Pistols flying around loose in the air are not tolerated in this burg. Gustav PLATAT was killed June 31 by his ??? ???ing off with his wagon, loaded with lumber. He was found with the load of lumber lying on him. He has a ranch ??? Teanaway and was hauling lumber to it from SEATON's mill. Miss Ella CAR??? of Spokane Falls, in the city visiting her sister, Mrs. Jno. PETERS. Ed COKE, with his gang of seventeen bill posters, advertised Sells Bros. circus this week. Large warehouse for rent on 4th Street, between Pearl and Pine. Enquire of J. E. DAVIDSON. Olof NORBY, a laborer on the N. P. railroad, Cascade division, was declared insane last week. He has been committed to the asylum. Mr. OLDING, of this valley, is ahead of all for early vegetables. He beats all competitors in Italy, 40 miles below, and Brother FREEMAN says Italy (Yakima) beats the world. Jesse CRAWFORD, charged with attempting to commit a rape on Martha JONES, aged 18, daughter of J. B. JONES, was bound over in the sum of $500 and in default was committed to jail. Section Foreman McPHEN, who was arrested charged with forging time, had a hearing before Judge RUDKIN Monday and was bound over in the sum of $500 and in default of bonds was committed to jail. James BROWN, night operator at Easton, who was arrested by Sheriff BROWN, charged with obtaining N. P. checks for forged time, was put under bonds to appear for a hearing last Monday. He failed to appear, choosing rather to lose the $200 cash he had put up. The departure of Mr. Chas. RUSSELL with his lady for Paris, where they intend to spend the time of the exposition, compels Mr. GUIBERT, his stepson and partner, to remove their stock of goods to Waterville, where they have already considerable business interest. The move will allow Mr. GUIBERT to supervise both their ranch and town business. The streets are being blocked in various places with brick, mortar and other materials for building. The hinderance is only temporary and is one of the kind that gives no one cause for kicking. These bright structures will be ornaments and a credit to the town ... The grading of Third, Main, and Pearl streets have improved them wonderfully... A movement is on foot, and is succeeding very well, to create a free library in Ellensburgh ...A public reading room would be an excellent thing for the young men of the community who have no families and are without homes or places to spend their evenings. Judge HOYT of Seattle and A. MIRES of Ellensburgh, are talked of as the prominent candidates for the presidency of the constitutional convention, with the chances in favor of the latter... "Wm. H. HENLEY, of Spokane Falls, known in this city as Wild Goose Bill, died of typhoid fever on Friday last, and his goose is cooked." The above is clipped from the Walla Walla Daily Journal. If we are not mistaken, his name is S. W. CONDIN and his residence was in Douglas County on the bank of the Columbia, over which he had a ferry. The road from Spokane Falls to the Conconully mines crosses there. Judge John DAVIS, of Ellensburgh, was in Yakima County during the war of 1855 and 1856. He knows the spot in Yakima County where Captain HOMBREE was killed. He was one of the volunteers who fought under the command of Colonel James K. KELLEY. He was one of those who had to subsist on horse meat for several days. He settled in the Ahtanum Valley in 1866 and was one of the pioneers of that day. The day after the Memorial services here, J. L. BROWN took the orator, Col. FEIGHAN out to see some of our valley. The Colonel expressed himself highly pleased with what he saw. ... The heaviest wind that we have experienced in Kittitas occurred here this week. Dr. O. J. CROUP and wife returned Sunday from a visit to Walla Walla relatives and friends. The new 2-story addition to the SNIPES bank building is progressing. The front is to be of pressed brick. Arthur SHARPSTEIN of Walla Walla was in the city this week. He informed us that the supreme court has decided the coal claims against the railroad company at Roslyn. There will be a trotting race on the Ellensburgh track today (Saturday) at 1 p.m. sharp for a purse of $300. Four horses have been entered and the winner takes all the wealth. Work has been commenced again on the NASH Opera house. The building has been enlarged and now extends back to the alley, making, when completed, a three-story structure 60x120 feet on the ground. Col. H. E. HOLMES of Walla Walla was in the city this week in attendance at the dedication ceremonies of the new I.O.O.F. hall. The colonel informed us that he will soon remove his family from Walla Walla to Seattle to reside there permanently. Mrs. OLDING presented us with some fine full grown cucumbers last week. They were splendid... Ad EDGAR has established a through line to Conconully mines in connection with the boat. He takes passengers from here to the boats and from the boats into the mines. The head office of the line is Ellensburgh, where persons must apply for passage. Miss Emma A. HARRIS, late of Delhi, Ia., an experienced Kingergarten and primary teacher, arrived in the city last week, and is the guest of Rev. and Mrs. MAXWELL. Miss HARRIS will fit up a school room on 3d street and open a Kindergarten School about June 16th... We are pleased to note the fact that Mr. P. H. W. ROSS, late of the Sandwich Islands, with
his familly, has settled in Ellensburgh. Mr. ROSS has opened an office on Pearl street, three doors below the post office. He is an expert accountant... He is agent, too, for a fire proof safe company... A fire occurred in the business portion of Seattle on Thursday afternoon, June 6th, at half past one. Friday morning the fire was still raging. A telegram was sent to the Portland fire department for assistance...
An accident occurred to young OLIVER whilst driving a buggy along the street on Thursday. The man with his pet bear was performing on the street and whilst the bear was walking on his hind feet, the horse ran away and smashed the buggy to pieces. Mr. OLIVER was not seriously hurt. The owner of the bear was taken with a sudden leaving, without taking up a collection.
Mrs. W. P. ADAMS and daughter started for their home in San Diego, Cal. on Monday last. F. S. THORP, of Colokum, was in the city this week. Ed COOKE, of the ??? place, was here also this week.
SUMMONSTerritory of Washington, County of Kittitas Leonard SAYLOR, Plaintiff, vs. Lucina SAYLOR, Defendant ...You are hereby notified that Leonard SAYLOR has filed a complaint against you in the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District, holding terms in Ellensburgh, in and for Kittitas County, Washington Territory, which will come on to be heard sixty days after thefirst publication of this summuns, to wit: sixty days after the 18th day of May, 1889 ... The object and prayer of said complaint is to obtain for plaintiff a decree of divorce from defendant on the grounds of abandonment of plaintiff for more than one year next preceeding the filing of plaintiff's complaint herein.... NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONUS Land Office, North Yakima, W. T., (date unreadable) Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Judge DAVIS, Judge Probate Court, Kittitas County, W. T., at Ellensburgh, W. T. on July 16, 1889, viz. Alexander B. WHITSON, who made Homestead Application No. 2?? for the ???, sec. 21, tp 18 n, r 19 s w m. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. Thomas HALEY, Peter CLEARY, Wilburn TAYLOR, and Jefferson SMITH, of Ellensburgh, Washington Territory...NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONUS Land Office, North Yakima, W. T., June 8, 1889 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Judge DAVIS, Judge Probate Court, Kittitas County, W. T., at Ellensburgh, W. T. on July 15th, 1889, viz., William A. JORDIN, who made Homestead Application No. 90 for the e 1/2, SW 1/4, se 1/4, nw 1/4 and sw 1/4 ne 1/4 sec. 6, tp 18 n, t 19 e w m. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. John BLOOMQUIST, John JORDIN, Frank LeCLARE, A. J. RADER, of Ellensburgh, W. T.NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONUS Land Office, North Yakima, W. T., May 21, 1889 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Judge DAVIS, Judge Probate Court, Kittitas County, W. T., at Ellensburgh, W. T. on July 5, 1889, viz. Lars Peter LUNDBERG, who made pre-emption statement No. 1283 for the S 1/2, NE 1/4, SE 1/4, NW 1/4, and NE 1/4, SW 1/4, Sec 4, Tp 19 N, R 15E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. Stephen SANDMEYER, Orin S. BOOTH, Dewitt C. BACON, Oscar CASH, of Cle-elum, W. T. ...NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONUS Land Office, North Yakima, W. T., May 10, 1889 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Judge DAVIS, Judge Probate Court, Kittitas County, W. T., at Ellensburgh, W. T. on June 29, 1889, viz. Thomas H. BARNHART, of said Ellensburgh, who made Homestead Application No. 286 for the sw 1/4 of ne 1/4 and se 1/4 of nw 1/4, and lots 2 and 3, sec 6, tp 18 n, r 20 e w m. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. E. H. LOVE, J. W. McDONALD, M. D. COOKE, and William DINNIS, of Ellensburgh, W. T. ...NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION - TIMBER LAND ACT, JUNE 3, 1878US Land Office at North Yakima, W. T., April 20, 1889 Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1878, ... Oscar CASH, of Cle-elum, county of Kittitas, Territory of Washington, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 2 for the purchase of the N 1/2 of N 1/2 of Section No. 24, in Township No. 20 N, Range No. 15 E., W M, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register ... on Monday, the first day of July 1889. He names as witnesses: Wm. BRANDINI, Dud BURCHSIN, L. R. THOMAS, W. P. TWOMY, of Kittitas County, W. T., Cle-elum P.O. ...NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONUS Land Office, North Yakima, W. T., April 27, 1889 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge of the Fourth Judicial District of Kittitas County, W. T., and in his absence before W. H. PETERSON, Clerk of the Court, at Ellensburgh, W. T. on June 8, 1889, viz. Lyman S. BURRELL of Wentachee, W. T., who made Homestead Application No. 858 for the se 1/4 sec 33, tp 23 n, r 20 e. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. George W. BLAIR, Samuel C. MILLER, and Thomas N. DOAK, of Wenatchee, W. T., and Noah N. BROWN of Ellensburgh, W. T. ... |