Saturday, December 20, 1890

E. P. CADWELL and wife left for the Sound this week. PEARSON has his ice house completed. Its capacity is 1,000 tons. James FARREL has been in Tacoma this week on business. Lee WYNEGAR and wife have returned from a visit to Seattle. Miss GASS leaves next week for Kentucky where she will spend the winter. Hale CADY was down from Roslyn last Sunday. Miss Laura SHOUDY has returned from an extended trip through the Sound cities. Mr. FELTS, the father of Mrs. Judge GRAVES, left for San Diego this week to spend the winter. All lovers of music should hear the eight Swedish ladies from Stockholm who sing at the Opera House Tuesday Dec. 3rd. George COOKE informs us that good beef cattle can still be picked up off the range. Stock generally is in fine condition. The range is  good and cattle are holding their flesh... The Seattle Ice company has a force of thirty men and teams at work excavating for an ice pond on the BULL ranch, about five miles south of the city. The water will be brought from the Yakima to fill the pond, and the company expects to put up a large ice crop this winter. The pond will be nearly a mile long and about a hundred yards wide. They expect to put in a switch so that the ice can be easily shipped. The laying of the brick walls for the new electric light building was commenced several days ago and has been pushed right along. John SCOTT informed our reporter that he expects to have the brick all laid and the roof on by the first of January 1891...


Mrs. Agnes FUSSEL, of Seattle, wishes us to make inquiry concerning her brother, James McCORMICK. He is a tall man, has brown hair and blue eyes. She has written a number of letters to him but has received no response. Any person knowing where he is will confer a favor by dropping a line to the editor of the Localizer.


Chan YIM has become a citizen of the United States. He has opened a washhouse in Ellensburgh. He guarantees good work and invites all who want washing done to give him a call.


Land Office at North Yakima, Wash., December 2, 1890 Complaint having been entered at this office by Anna R. BROWN against Lionel E. FISHER for failure to comply with law as to Timber Culture Entry No. 970, dated May 7, 1888, upon the S 1/2 NW 1/4, Lots 3 and 4, Section 2, Township 17 north, range 20 east, in Kittitas county, Wash., with a view to the cancellation of said entry; contestant alleging that said Lionel E. FISHER has never plowed any land upon said tract of land or made any improvements of any kind on the same as required by the timber culture law of the United States...


U. S. Land Office, North Yakima, Wash., Nov. 8th, 1890 Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory", John ARMOUR, of Seattle, county of King, state of Washington, has this day filed his sworn statement No. - for the purchase of the se 1/4 of Section 8, in Township 20, Range No. r 16e and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at North Yakima, Wash., on the 30th day of October 1890. He names as witness Oscar JAMES of Roslyn. On Nov. 8, 1890, applicant made final proof for above described tract and being unable to procure the attendance of one of his published
witnesses, above named witness was substituted, and this notice is to give an opportunity to offer objections if any exist.


Kittitas County, Wash. Dec 16, 1890 To Thomas BOLLMAN, L. M. HECOK, J. F. CARRUTHERS, and J. B. RANDALL: You are hereby notified that I have expended $112.50 in labor and improvements upon the Fairy Queen quartz lode, situated in Swauk mining district, Kittitas County, Wash, as will appear by certificate filed Dec. 16,1890, in the office of recorder in said county in order to hold said premises under the provisions of section 2324 revised statues of the US, being the amount required to hold the same for the year ending 1890. And if within ninety days after this notice by publication, you fail or refuse to contribute your portion of such expenditure as a co-owner of interest in said claim will become the property of the subscriber under said section 2324. J. R. LOVE


State of Washington, County of Kittitas Carrie McDONALD, Plaintiff, vs. Sam CREGER, Defendant - No. 580 To the above named defendant: You are hereby notififed that Carrie McDONALD, plaintiff, has filed a complaint against you in the Superior Court of Kittitas County ... The object and prayer of said complaint is to recover the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) on
promissory note, with interest at 5 per cent per annum...


The Palace Saloon! Cor. Main and Third Sts. John LYONS, Proprietor. This well-known saloon has been reopened in the new brick. Our stock is good and our quarters comfortable. Come and see us. We invite attention to our Imported wines and brandies. Polite treatment to all.
O'CONNOR & HOGAN, Pearl and Fifth Streets, Ellensburgh, Washington.
Ben E. SNIPES - W. R. ABRAMS, Ben E. SNIPES & Co., Bankers. A General Banking Business Transacted, Ellensburgh, Washington. A private bank, oldest in the place. Individual responsibility over $500,000.
White Bronze Monuments, The most Durable composition known at the present age. E. A. WILLIS, Agent, Ellensburgh, Wash. Central Meat Market. The undersigned would respectfully announce that they have opened a new meat market on the north side of Third Street, Between Main & Pearl, Elensburgh, Wash. (note: there were no "undersigned" listed)
Blacksmithing and Wood Work In all its Branches neatly Done. Horse-shoeing a Specialty. Shop corner Third and Main Streets, Ellensburgh, Washington.
LYONS & BERG. Hay For Sale - Also for rent a good pasture where stock may be taken at all times. Enquire at the SCHNEBLY ranch opposite the stock yards.
A beautiful assortment of Xmas cards at D. L. EVANS & Co.
Spring, mattresses, chairs, tables and all kinds of furnture at VAN DYK & HARTs, No. 99, 3d street.
Fine cloth bound books at ARMENT's Book Store, three for one dollar. This offer good until Christmas only. Closing Out Our Stock...
Chance of a Lifetime... Herman KAMINSKY, Proprietor of the P.O.P. Store, Davidson Corner, Ellensburgh.
The Castle Chop House. The undersigned has opened a Chop House on 4th street, next door to Castle's saloon. It is the purpose of the
proprietor to have everything first class, which will be served up in the best style of the culinary art. Meals At All Hours - Day and
Night. The proprietor is generally known, as he has been in the business before. Old customers will find as good accommodations as of old. William B. PRICE, Proprietor.