THE ELLENSBURGH CAPITALAugust 29, 1889CAPITOLIANSKittitas apples, pears and plums are selling in the city at good prices. Dr. A. M. MUSSER has been declared insane and was sent to Stellacom. (Steilacoom in Pierce County.> J. M. MALONEY is building two cottages on the corner of Sixth and City Park. Mount Stewart again shows its clear cut lines after a total eclipse of about six weeks.(Transcriber's Note: The fire that burned down most of Ellensburg had been on July 4, also fires burned Seattle and Spokane this same summer.) The new Congregational Church is under cover and is being pushed ahead energetically. J. C. LLOYD has purchased four lots in Grand View, and purposes building a fine residence this fall. GASS & RAMSAY's store was entered by a burglar on Monday night... Geo. B. HENTON's new dry goods store on Fifth and Pine is being furnished with a fine assortment of goods. SANDERS has purchased CRAIG's interest in the Capitol Hill water works and now has exclusive control. The Big Bend trade continues active and every day large train loads of goods leave the city for that section. The Misses SCHNEBLY will give a party to their young friends at the residence of their grandparents, south of the city, this evening. The scaffolding on the FOGARTY building gave way yesterday afternoon, injuring J. W. BROOK, E. L. BOMP, E. G. JORDAN, and T. CARR. Lanlord JACKSON informs ... that the Moffitt House doors will be thrown open about the 5th of Sept. if he don't have any bad luck. Mr. STEVENSON has been trying his new guns on the wild ducks ... in the Yakima River... Rev. Geo. A. TEWKSBURY will be installed pastor of the Plymouth Church at Seattle on the 10th of Sept. and Rev. R. J. MOONEY of Ellensburgh, has been invited to deliver the charge to the pastor. The Wheeler reflector system of lighting, which consists of a concave mirror, has been adopted by the Congregational Church. Two have been ordered, and they will be the first introduced in Washington. NOTICE, OFFICE OF THE PROBATE COURTEllensburgh, W.T. ...At the late fire in Ellensburgh on the night of July 4, all the papers in the David FREER estate were destroyed. All persons having filed their claims against said estate will have to file new claims. July 22, 1880, John DAVIS, Probate JudgeNOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONLand Office at North Yakima, W. T., August 26, 1889 Notice is here by given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. H. PETERSON, Clerk of the District Court of Kittitas Co., W. T., at Ellensburgh, W. T. on October 7, 1889, viz. John S. GRIFFIN of Cle Elum, W. T., ??? made Homestead application No. 1506 for the S1/2 se 1/4 SE qr and ???? 18, tp.20, nr. 16e. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. John VOCKE, Frank GRAHAM, Peter YUNGER, and Nick YUNGER, all of Cle Elum, W. T. Ira M. KRUTZ, RegisterNOTICEAll lot owners in the Odd Fellows cemetery are notified that the plat and all records pertaining to the cemetery were destroyed in the recent fire, and in order to get matters properly adjusted it is necessary that all who own lots and have deeds, and those who havepaid for lots should come promptly and register your names and the number of your lot and block.... L. A. VINCENT ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICENotice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administratrix of the estate of Andrew D. HASKELL, deceased. ... at my place of business in Roslyn, Kittitas County, Washington Territory. Mrs. Lenna HASKELL, AdministratrixCOUNTY COMMISSIONERSThe Board of County Commissioners for August term, 1889, met in regular session... The following county roads were created and ordered opened to public travel: Ax Peter KUTCHEN road, T. 19, N.R. 10. Viewers were appointed to survey private road of W. J. GRAY, Wenatchee precinct. P. McCLEARY, A. FORD, and A. F. YORK were appointed viewers to survey the ROBBINS road. D. W. ABBOTT, Peter WOLD and A. F. YORK were appointed viewers to survey the Happy Camp road. John AMLIN, John CATLIN and A. F. YORK were appointed viewers to survey the McMILLAN road. Chas. ELLIOTT, Chas. KENNETH, and A. F. YORK were appointed viewers to survey a change in the CLERF road. August SASSE of Cle Elum was granted liquor license. MOORE & CASSIN of Cle Elum were granted liquor license.OUR SCHOOLSThe Public Schools will open Monday, Sept. 2nd, with the following corps of teachers: Principal N. L. NARREGAN; assistant, Susie F. SUTHERLAND; intermediate, Maud M. STERLING; first primary, Emma A. HARRIS; second primary, Miss LIVERSAY.REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTIONThe Republicans at their county convention made the following nominations: For State Senate - E. T. WILSON of Ellensburgh For Representatives - J. P. SHARP and I. N. POWER For Clerk - JONES of Roslyn Central Committee - W. H. HARE, W. A. SEARNS, The COOPER, T. M. MORRISON, C. B. REED, W. A. BULL, A. T. PERRY, H. R. HILL, T. E. MADICAN, H. SPEKHARD, and L. R. GRIMES. Delegates to the Republican State Convention to be held at Walla Walla on Sept. 4th: W. H. HARE, I. C. HELM, F. E. WILLIAMS, L. R. GRIMES, W. B. ROBERTS, B. C. BONNELL, Thos. HALEY, J. M. PEAS, and L. W. KRIBBS.WENATCHEE GRAPESMr. GRAY, of Wenatchee, brought to the city yesterday about 1200 pounds of grapes of different varieties, raised on his place at Wenatchee... The fruit is equal to California fruit in size and far superior in flavor...The vines and trees of Wenatchee are burdened with their load this season, and horticulturists are reaping a rich reward...DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVENTIONThe Democratic County Convention yesterday met in Ellensburgh and made the following nominations by acclamation: State Senator - J. T. McDONALD, of Ellensburgh Representatives - J. B. FOGARTY of Ellensburgh and Chas. MILLER of Roslyn. Clerk - H. M. BALDWIN of Ellensburgh Delegates to State Convention - J. M. MALONEY, S. BATES, John DAVIS, and F. CLEMANS.THE GEM RESTAURANTLet it be remembered that the Gem Restaurant only missed one meal. Millie GAILLAC, the Pioneer Restauranter, is always up to the times and he gets there, fire or no fire. He is now feeding 400 people a day at the corner of Fifth and Pearl.SUMMONSTerritory of Washington, County of Kittitas W. R. L. THOMAS, Plaintiff, vs. H. M. THOMAS, Defendant ... You are hereby notified that W. R. L. THOMAS, Plaintiff, has filed a complaint against you in the District court of the Fourth Judicial District, holding terms at Ellensburgh ... come to be heard sixty days after the first publication of this Summons, to wit: Sixty days after the 27th day of June 1889 ... The object and prayer of said complaint is for the purpose of obtaining a divorce by the Plaintiff from the Defendant on the grounds of abandonment for one year and more.SHERIFF'S SALETerritory of Washington, County of Kittitas ...John C. GOODWIN, Plaintiff, vs. Myran HUNPPENBURG and W. M. NEWSTRUM, partners in KUNPPENBURG & NEWSTRUM, and C. E. GOODWIN and M. E. KANNDY, Defendants. By virtue of a Decree and Order of Sale, made and entered in the above entitled cause and Court on the 6th day of August, 1889... for the sum of $323.75-100, gold coin, with interest at a rate of ten per cent per annum ... and further sum of $28.95-100, costs, and also theincreased costs thereon, I, J. L. BROWN, Sheriff of Kittitas County ... will sell at public auction ... the following described real estate ... all of Lot No. thirteen in block five in the town of Roslyn, W. T. ... Dated this 24th day of August 1889. J. L. BROWN, Sheriff of Kittitas County, W. T. by J. E. FROST, Deputy Richard GOWAN, Attorney for Plaintiff SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE...District Court of the Territory of Washington, and for the Fourth Judicial District thereof, holding terms at Ellensburgh, in Kittitas County ... judgment rendered in said court ... on the 6th day of August, 1889, in favor of F. H. WILLIAMS and William McGUIRE, partners, doing business under the firm name and style of WILLIAMS & McGUIRE, Plaintiffs, and against Jas. GARRETT, Defendant, for the sum of $176.48-100, with interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum ... and the further sum of $28.05-100, costs of suit, I have levied on the following described real estate, to wit: The west one-half of the southwest one-quarter of Section eleven,Township eighteen, north of Range 19, east of the Williamette meridian, and situated in Kittitas County...Given under my hand this 27th day of August, 1889. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONUnited States Land Office, North Yakima, W. T., August 20, 1889 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before John DAVIS, Probate Judge of Kittitas County, W. T., at Ellensburgh, W. T. on October 3d, 1889, viz. Samuel M. PRESSEY, of Cle Elum, W. T. who made Homestead application No. 256 for the se qr. of sec. 2, tp. 19 n. r. 15 e. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. E. C. HARTLE, F. L. TAYLOR, Frank PAGE, and S. S. TAYLOR, all of Cle Elum, W. T.NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONLand Office at North Yakima, W. T., July 31, 1889 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before John DAVIS, Judge of the Probate Court, Kittitas County, at Ellensburgh, W. T. on September 11th, 1889, viz. Nick YUNGER, of Cle Elum, W. T. who made homestead application ??? for the sw 1/4 sec 30, tp 20, n. r. 16 e. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. C. H. VOSS, John VOCKE, Herman TAGGE, and August HASSE, all of Cle Elum.NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONLand Office at North Yakima, W. T., August 6, 1889 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final Hd. Commutation proof in suport of his claim, and that said proof will be made before John DAVIS, Judge Probate Court, Kittitas County, W. T., at Ellensburgh, W. T., on September 19, 1889, viz. Edward WHITE of Teanaway, W. T. who made Hd. application No. 951 for the n 1/2, sw 1/4, se 1/4, sw 1/4, sw 1/4, se 1/4, sec. ??, tp. 20, n. r. 16 e. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. A. HELMER, J. C. RHEA, John GASSMAN, and D. H. YEOMANS, of Teanaway, W. T.NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONLand Office at North Yakima, W. T., July 24, 1889 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Judge of the District court of the Fourth Judicial District of Washington Territory, in and for Kittitas county, and in his absence before the clerk of said court at Ellensburgh, W. T. on September 30, 1889, viz. Jacob POWELL of Wentachee, W. T., who made Hd. Application No. 6?? forthe ?? nw ? and w 2 ne4 section 33, tp 23, n. r. 20 east. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. Thomas N. DONK, E. A. HALEY, Charles DAVIS, and Tollman TRIPP, all of Wenatchee, Kittitas County, W. T. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONLand Office at North Yakima, W. T., July 24th, 1889 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before John DAVIS, Probate Judge of Kittitas County, W. T., at Ellensburgh, W. T. on September 7, 1889, viz. Martha E. THOMPSON, who made Hd. Application No. 270 for the se? ne? and lots 1, 2, and 3 of sec 4, tp. 18n, r 20e. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. Jesse W. McDONALD, Thomas ? BARNHART, Joseph TUCKER, and Robert D. TAYLOR, all of Ellensburgh, W. T.NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONLand Office, North Yakima, W. T., August 9, 1889 Notice is hereby given that ... Sylvia Lomira TULLAR, of Roslyn, Kittitas Co., Wash. Terr., has this day filed in this office her sworn statement No. 6 for the purchase of the s 1/2 of nw 1/4 and n 1/2 of sw 1/4 Sec 24 in Township 20, North of Range 15 E. W. M. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at North Yakima, W. T. on the 19th day of October 1889. She names as witnesses, O. A. HAWES, Charles GILES, Oscar JAMES, and David BRYANT, all of Roslyn, Kittitas County, Washington Territory....ADMINISTRATRIX SALE OF REAL ESTATENotice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Probate Court of Kittitas County, W. T. , made on the 22nd day of July 1889, in the matter of the estate of A. W. WRIGHT, deceased, the administratrix of the said estate will sell at public auction to the highest bidder ... (rest of article to too faint to read)SUMMONSTerritory of Washington, County of Kittitas C. A. SPLAUN, Plaintiff, vs. Louuis VIGELIOUS and Marie VIGELIOUS, Defendants ... You are hereby notified that C. A. SPLAUN, Plaintiff, has filed a complaint against you in the District court of the Fourth Judicial District, holding terms at Ellensburgh ... come to be heard sixty days after the first publication of this Summons, to wit: Sixty days after the 16th day of August, 1889 ... The object and prayer of said complaint is to ??? the sum of one hundred dollars ... (too dark to read after this point)SUMMONSTerritory of Washington, County of Kittitas District Court of the Fourth Judicial District of Washington Territory, holding terms atEllensburgh Marguerta L. JACOBS, Plaintiff vs. Joseph A. JACOBS, Defendant ... You are hereby notified that Marguerta L. JACOBS, Plaintiff, has filed a complaint against you in the District court of the Fourth Judicial District, holding terms at Ellensburgh ... come to be heard sixty days after the first publication of this Summons, to wit: Sixty days after the 22nd day of July, 1889 ... The object and prayer of said complaint is to obtain a decree, dissolving and annuling the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant for alleged willful desertion and abandonment of the Plaintiff by the defendant, cruel and inhuman treatment, and failure to support, and that Plaintiff be decreed the custody of Frankie JACOBS, minor child and the issue of the marriage of plaintiff and defendant. Witness my hand and the seal of said court, this 22nd day of July 1889. |