The New Era

August 10, 1888

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Chicken dinner every Sunday at the Oriental. Thos. JOHNSON & Co. have shipped the remainder of their goods to Cle Elum. The Cleveland hat is white plug with black band. The Harrison, white plug with pearl band. Lost - A clinical thermometer, in case with chain attached... Dr. T. J. NEWLAND. It is estimated that Kittitas County will produce this year in the neighborhood of one million
and a half bushels of grain. Half a million over last year. J. H. NAYLOR and L. A. VINCENT have dissolved partnership, and Mr. NAYLOR is now located next door to Justice ARMSTRONG's office on Main street, north of Keg House. Ellensburgh is becoming noted for the shipping interests in the line of stock. Buyers congregate here from Western Washington and from the East... Mr. J. B. SMITH's advertisement for the new town of Orondo, on the Columbia river, and which is now the shipping point for the Big Bend country, where they have water power enough to run millions of spindles for manufacturing purposes, appears in today's issue. Mr. SHOUDY desires to say to the boys who bathe in the rain pond, that he has no objections to them bathing, but requests them not to put any old plank or board into the pond, which will ?? a gorge, so the water cannot escape out of the mill race... We are indebted this week to our old friend Dr. BEEBE for a photographic view of the city of Ashland, Oregon...


Hyman HARRIS and brother, of North Yakima, were in the city this week. Chas. WEST and Robert FRY left this week with loaded teams for Waterville. Mr. ALLEN of the firm of LEMMAN & ALLEN, of Waterville, was in the city this week. Sam CREGER left this week for San Francisco to lay in his fall and winter stock of goods. Hon. Geo. W. GOODWIN, H. J. SNIVELY and Fred R. REED of North Yakima were in town yesterday. Mr. O. G. LABEREE leaves next Monday for the Salmon river district to look up for himself a suitable cattle range. Dr. SANDERS, of Moscow, Idaho, has taken rooms in Geddes' brick block and is looking over the
field with a view of locating in our city. Mrs. Geo. McMILLAN returned from a visit to Douglass county, W. T., this week, where they have a ranch some six miles from Waterville. B. C. BONNELL, of Mission creek, one of the well-to-do farmers, and withall one of the many Harrison men of that section, was in the city this week on business. A. MIRES left last Sunday morning to return with his family from their old home in Oakland, Douglas county, Or., where his family have been visiting the past three months. Mr. John A. McCANDLESS, son of Judge T. M. McCANDLESS of this city, is on his way from Honolulu to locate in our city. He is expected here the 1st of next week. Cary W. STEWART, formerly of this valley, but now in Puyallup, was in the city the fore part
of this week, making arrangements for the sale of some of their surplus fruit. Mr. SMITH and wife of Springfield, Illinois, who attended the teacher's convention at San Francisco, and friends of the FOGARTY Bros., stopped over in Ellensburgh a few days this
week. Mrs. H??LEY was called last week to the bedside of her son, George, in Ruby City Mr. David MURRAY, of this place escorted her to the boat, but being too late, they drove through overland. Mr. B. F. KENT, who has the contract for painting all of the NPRR bridges between Pasco and Tacoma, and who is now at work at Pasco, came up last Saturday to pay his family a visit. Mr. H. M. MERCHANT, of Minneapolis, an old soldier, arrived some time ago in the Territory, and hearing that Ellensburgh was one of the five towns of the Territory, arrived here Wednesday of this week. Mr. J. B. SMITH, of Orondo, was in the city this week. He reports the people overjoyed along the river over putting on steamers on the Columbia river. Orondo, by reason of its location and water power, is forging ahead... Mr. Frank J. CUMMINGS, formerly of this place, came down from the mouth of the Conconnully creek yesterday, in company with David MURRAY of this place. They report Geo. H?RLEY up and able to be around. Mr. CUMMINGS leaves for Tacoma today. A post office has been established at that place known as Almer; also one at Ruby and Conconully. The County Fair will be held here Sept. 17th, 18th and 19th. Two thousand dollars will be hung up for premiums. Samuel KIEIDEL of the original I X L Company of this city returned yesterday from a visit to Portland, Seattle, and to Vashon Island. Mr. KIEIDEL has a very valuable farm on the island of some 200 acres. W. C. T. U. Attention. The executive board of the W.C.T.U. met and decided to postpone the meeting... Emily HORNBACK, Pres. Tomorrow is circus day. Richard GOWAN, O. P. JACKSON, M. J. MALONEY, J. J. MUELLER, S. T. PACKWOOD, H. H. WILKINS, W. H. PETERSON, and Daniel GABEY have sent to New York for Cleveland hats.


Real estate has been changing hands quite lively the past few days. Mr. HENDERSON, from somewhere, is now day operator here, Vice V. BARKER resigned. We welcome you, fatty. Thos. JOHNSON's mill has been shut down for the past ten days, waiting for some necessary repairing to be done to the machinery. Messrs. CASH, BRENAN and THOMAS have bought out W. F. ZEEK's livery barn and blacksmith shop. Business will be continued as before, under the above management. Cle-elum has been socially convulsed this past week. First and foremost a young married lady eloped with her uncle, and the couple are now being pursued by the irate husband with a double-barrelled shotgun. Wm. TILLMAN gave one of his popular dances last Saturday evening, which was well attended and all report an enjoyable time except the boys that got left. We were also thrown into a high state of excitement Tuesday evening by there being a wedding reported to have taken place. Investigation proved such to be the case -- the first we believe in the history of the city. The usual chavivari occurred, and an unusual amount of the ardent drank to the health of the beautiful bride, of which it is needless to add we drank our full quotas.


Ground has been broke this week for the new Masonic Temple, on the corner of Pine and 4th Streets. This building will be of brick and stone, and it is the design of the order to make it one of the most handsome buildings in the Northwest.


...Daniel GARY, Chairman. G. W. SEATON, Secretary.


The Republican County Central Committee met at the office of A. MIRES. Meeting called to order by G. McDOWELL, chairman. Present: T. G. McDOWELL, A. MIRES, S. T. STERLING, G. E. DICKSON, proxy for Wm. WINTERSON. ...


- Sells Brothers' Three Ring Circus, Elevated Stage, Royal Roman Hippodrome and Five Continent Menagerie - It is not alone the oldest of our readers who can remember the "circus and Menagerie" as periodically exhibited not so many years back... Among the largest, as well as the best shows now traveling is Sells Brothers, which is announced to exhibit in this city at an early date ...
Saturday, August 11th, 1888.


Land Office at North Yakima, Washington Territory July 10, 1888 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim ... the District Court of Kittitas County, W. T., at Ellensburgh on August 21st, 1888, viz.: Thomas ?. McDOWELL, ? no. 411, for the south 1/2 north 1/4 and west 1/2 southwest 1/4, section 12, township 17 north, range 17 east. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: George W. WEAVER, William H. BECK, Charles B. COLEMAN and John E. McDOWELL, all of Ellensburgh, W. T.
J. H. THOMAS, Register


Land Office at North Yakima, Washington Territory June 22, 1888 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim ... the district court of Kittitas Co., W. T., on August 13, 1888, viz. Joseph PREECE, Hd. No. 270, for the NW 1/4, section 26, township 17 north, range 19 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Joseph McLEOD, J. D. OLMSTEAD, R. P. TJOSSEM, and B. W. LEWIS, all of Ellensburgh, W. T. J. M. THOMAS, Register


United States Land Office at North Yakima, Washington Territory July 19, 1888 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim ... the District Court of Kittitas County, W. T., at
Ellensburgh on September 8, 1888, viz: Edward A. HALEY, Hd. No. 661, for the S 1/2. NW 1/4, lots 3 and 4, sec 4, tp 2 north, range 20 east. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: S. C. MILLER, Tollman TRIPP, Thomas DOAK, and W. H. BROWNLOW, all of Wenatchee, W. T. J. H. THOMAS, Register


United States Land Office at North Yakima, Washington Territory July 26th, 1888 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim ... the District Court of Kittitas County, W. T., at
Ellensburgh on September 11, 1888, viz.: William H. ALEXANDER, D. S. No. 978, for the NE 4, SW 4, Sec 14, T 17 N, R 19 E, WM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: A. L. WHEELER, M. BRIDGES, Joseph PREESE, B. W. LEWIS, all of Ellensburgh, W. T. J. H. THOMAS, Register


In the District court of the Fourth Judicial District of this Territory of Washington, holding terms at Ellensburgh, in and for Kittitas County, Territory of Washington. Anna DUNKEL, Plaintiff, vs. John DUNKEL, Defendent. To the above named defendant: You are hereby notified that Anna DUNKEL, Plaintiff, has filed a complaint against you ... which will come on to be heard sixty days after the first publication of this summons, to wit: Sixty days after the 6th day of July 1888, ... The object and prayer of said complaint is to dissolve the bonds of matrimony between plaintiff and defendant, for the reason that defendant on or about the 1st day of May, 1886, willfully and without cause abandoned and still continues to abandon plaintiff, and that defendant has for more than four years last
past, neglected and refused to provide plaintiff the common necessaries of life...


A pair of handcuffs. The finder will confer a favor by returning them to J. L. HUBBARD, Deputy Marshall, Ellensburgh, W. T.


A man to take a half interest in a stream saw mill in this County. W. W. BOWERS, Royalton, Minn.


New Wagon Shop! The undersigned having bought out the Wood Department of Jas. E. FARRELL's Blacksmith Shop, would announce to the public that he is now prepared to do All Kinds Of Repairing in that department. We guarantee first-class work and you will find prices reasonable. Amos SMITH, Ellensburgh, W.T.
Moses Coulee Ferry. Shortest Route to the Salmon River Mines, by Twenty Miles. No More Delays of Crossing. Best Steam Ferry on the Columbia River. F. H. WILKIN, Manager.
Ellensburgh Roller Mill. Full Roller Process. C. A. SANDER, Proprieter. We keep for sale the best Straight grade flour.... Also chop, barley, midlings, shorts and bran. Highest Market Price Paid for Grain. Custom or exchange work promptly attended.
JONES, the Boss Painter. Contracts and does all kind of painting in the best style of the art. I guarantee my work to stand the best of the most experience critic.
WILLIS & BRYANT, Auction & Commission Merchants and dealers in General Merchandise. Agents for the celebrated White Bronze Monument. Agents for the Chicago Safe and Lock Company. Agents for Medical Lake Soap. Buy and sell Second-Hand Furniture and Second-Hand Goods of All Descriptions. Consignments Solicited.
"The Palace" is the Bon Ton Saloon of the Valley. Jack LYONS, Manager. Aims to make his place of business a first-class establishment where none but the very best quality of Domestic and imported wines, Liquors and Cigars will be kept. Weinhard's Beer a specialty. An Elegant Club Room! And Chop House are connected with the saloon. ... Southwest cor. Pearl and Main Sts.
New Harness and Saddle Shop. W. J. PEED, Proprietor (Successor to E. F. CHURCH). We carry in stock a full line of Heavy And Light Harness, all Styles of Saddles of every description... North Side Fourth St., Red Front, Ellensburgh, W.T.
Central Drug and Book Store - Pure and Fresh Drugs! Direct from Eastern Manufacturers. Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Notions, Stationery, Books and Cigars. Our Prescription Department is Unsurpassed... Frank H. BEAN & Co., Proprietors. In Odd Fellows Old Hall, Pearl St., Ellensburgh, Wash. Terr. KING's Candy Manufactory. Full supply of fresh candies always on hand... Ice Cream, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Soda Water, key West and Domestic Cigars. Cigarettes... Pearl Street,
Ellensburgh, W.T., B. J. KING, Proprietor.
J. W. SADLER, House, Sign, and Carriage Painter. Sign Writers, Paper Hanger. And Decorator. ... North end of Main Street, West Side. CRAIG Bros., Contractors & Builders. B. E.
CRAIG and S. E. CRAIG. Oriental Hotel, Ellensburgh, Wash. Terr. Free Coach To and From... Location on Main St., leading from depot... Terms from $1 to $2 per day.
N. N. BROWN. Great Western Bakery. New Bakery! For Good Bread, cakes and Pies... Two doors south of the Post Office... Anton NAU, Proprietor.
White Laundry. We are now prepared to do first-class work at bottom rock prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. J. MILLER, Prop. North end of Pearl St., Ellensburgh.
Ellensburgh National Bank - Capital $50,000. Officers: Van R. DeLASHMUTT, president; A. MIRES, vice president; Ralph KAUFFMAN, Cashier. Board of Directors: Nelson BENNETT, Tacoma, W.T.; J. FURTH, Seattle, W.T.; Geo. B. MARKLE, Jr., Portland, Oregon; Van B. DeLASHMUTT, Portland, Oregon, S. R. GEDDIE, Ellensburgh; A. MIRES, Ellensburgh; Ralph KAUFFMAN, Ellensburg.
Ben E. SNIPES & Co., Bankers. A General Banking Business, Ellensburgh, W.T. A Private Bank. The Oldest in the Place. Responsibility over $500,000.