October 3, 1885

   Commissioner MEEKER having written to W. A. BULL and others, requesting the shipment of Kittitas county products to the 
New Orleans exposition, a collection of fair exhibits, for that purpose we believe, was set aside.

   John WHITE, a railroad man who fell from a trestle at Green river last week, died at Seattle on Friday.

   Did you see the elegant peaches from John GALLER's Wenachie orchard exhibited at the post office last week?  They were 
freestones of the late Croawford variety, were eight inches and one quarter around and weighed five ounces each.


If the members of James PARSON's Post No. 11, G. A. R., of Ellensburgh possess the magic talisman by us of which unqualified success may be forced to yield up unalloyed pleasure, they ought to be a happy lot of mortals today. Their proposed reunion exercises, which were enterprisingly widened to include at least all of the hard work connected with organization and arrangement of details connected with the first annual Kittitas Co. fair are over ... The encampment program outlined by the post was in the main completely and excellently carried out. At the camp fire on Thursday evening after entertaining vocal music by the McDOWELL glee club,
J. J. HART made a pleasant opening address; additional singing followed and Major Thomas CAVANAUGH and Captain HOLTEN entertained the encampment with very appropriate speeches
... (dark area)... The SCHNEBLY prize waltz premiums were carried off respectively by Dr. HARE and Mrs. J. T. McDONALD, first; James FARRELL and Miss Annie BECKER, second. Miss Annie MICHELS was by ballott declared the most popular young lady present...


John GILLESPIE, the young man who, upon Tuesday of last week fell from the roof of the new hotel, a distance of nearly sixty feet to the ground below, was buried on Sunday afternoon. From the moment that he was picked up and carried to the FORREST house, every attention possible was given him and many kindly offers had to be refused. Although from the first evidently mortally injured, the young man suffered apparently but little pain and so confident was he of recovery, that many shared with him in that delusive hope. In addition to a cousin, Mr. H. D. CROCKETT, there were in the vicinity but few old acquaintences of the deceased, the
number being limited we believe to L. STEEL, Henry WILSON, and Samuel COLLINS, the latter having been his playmate in happy boyhood days. Fully thirty vehicles were in the funeral procession and many who would have attended were compelled through lack of conveyance, to remain in town. Funeral services were conducted at the grave by Rev. Henry BROWN. To the bereaved parents in Gentry Co., Missouri, the sad intelligence thrust upon them will be softened in a measure, by the knowledge that nothing was left undone that could tend to the comfort of their son.


The Kittitas Co. Institute is called to meet in Ellensburgh commencing on Oct. 5, 1885, and to continue five days. All teachers in the county are required to close their schools and attend the Institute. Please bring your textbooks with you. Irene CUMBERLIN, Co., Supt.


On Monday, a young son of Mr. J. A. McDOWELL was brought to Dr. HENTON for attention to a severe wound in the face. A colt had kicked him, with happily no dangerous results.


The old SHOUDY residence has been removed to the vicinity of the M. E. Church. It will be remodeled and fitted up for the occupancy of a gentleman from Tacoma.


Anthony MEADE has gone to Seattle to ascertain condition of the Puget Sound mutton market.


Our most sincere thanks are hereby tendered to all who rendered or proffered kindly attentions connected with our late relatives unfortunate decease...
Very Respectfully, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. CROCKETT


To encourage attendance at the Ellensburgh Academy ... the following low rates are charged for board and lodging of pupils at the Academy home: per week of seven days, $3; per school, or five day, week, $2...


William BECKER intends establishing a power wood sawing machine....


In the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District of Washington Territory, holding terms at Ellensburgh in and for Kittitas County. No. 55 James E. BATES, Plaintiff, vs. Martha A. BATES, Defendant. To Martha A. BATES, Defendant: You are hereby required to appear ... and to answer the complaint filed therein ... The said action is brought to obtain a decree of divorce, dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between the plaintiff and the defendant, on the grounds of adultery committed by the defendant, as will more fully appear in the compalint on file herein. Also for a decree that plaintiff have the s 1/2 of ne 1/4 and ne 1/4 of ne 1/4 sec 24 tp. 18 n.,
r. 17 e., free from any claim on the part of defendant. Witness the Hon. George TURNER, Judge of the said District court, ... this 31st day of August, A. D. 1885. Daniel GARY, Attorney for Plaintiff.

SOME ADS that were in this issue

Martin SAUTTER, builder and contractor, shop on 4th St., opposite City Hotel...
Mrs. M. TRIPP, residence opposite Post Office, Ellesnburgh, Clothing cleaned & repaired; fancy needlework taught.
G. W. ELLIOTT, Proprietor. Elliott's Stable, big barn on Main Street, south side of the Court House square, Ellensburgh. PETERSON & GRENDEN, Proprietors. The Cascade Saloon, Third Street, between Main and Pearl.
SMITHSON & MEAGHER, Proprietors. City Market, Third St., between Main and Pearl.


"Was it a success?" did you say? Yankee-like we'll ask you -- did you ever know a Kittitas county effort of any kind in which the people entered heartily to prove anything else? On Wednesday morning of this week exhibits began to arrive at the hastily but happily improved fair ground, tents were reared here and there for public and private uses, and the whole surroundings embodied a scene of active life. ... It is estimated that fully one thousand persons passed within the gates on Thursday, and of these a vast proportion presented faces that were strange. The bulk of Kittitas county's turn out was reserved until the last day. A large number of visitors came from neighboring Yakima... At the conclusion of an eloquent opening address by A. MIRES, the fair was well begun... (long description of crops shown)