Yakima RecordFebruary 7, 1880and/or too dark), therefore there may be articles which were missed by the transcriber.) KITTITAS VALLEY NOTESNews notes from this locality are rather scarce, but such as there are partakes of a rather encouraging nature. Reports from Peshastin District say that the erection of a five stamp quartz mill will be commenced early in the summer on the SHAFER claim. In the meantime an effort is being made to raise means to build a wagon road to the mines. This will be a great benefit to both miners and to the farmers in the valley. Some of the people having taken the Skagit fever, and will probably soon leave, taking the trail through the Skagit Pass. It is said the disbursements so far by the presence of the loggers at the head of the Yakima exceed $20,000 in the valley. Many of the farmers have been busy all Winter in freighting supplies to the camps. Some 40 or 50 teams have been rigged up and will soon start for Ainsworth, to work on the railroad. A few have already gone. Some land troubles exist, and many claims have been jumped. Many instances of contest have been filed on desert claims. Large numbers of deer have been seen in the Umptanum hills and several parties have been out hunting them with varying success. R. P. TJOSSEM has bargained for the machinery of a grist mill now lying at The Dalles. This will be brought up and put in a mill to be erected on his place, about three miles south of Ellensburgh. The CANADAY brothers are to enlarge their mill, and men are now in the mountains getting out the timbers for the new building. It is rumored the brothers will put in a six run of stone. A new saw mill is to be put up on the Yakima a short distance below SPLAWN's ranch. A man by the name of MILLS is to be the owner.WENAS SCHOOL REPORT(Transcriber's Note: The Wenas is the area along the current Yakima County and Kittitas
County borders. The students listed may have lived in the area of either current county.) Following is the report of the Wenas school (Dist. 20) for the month of January 1880., Wm. CAPPS, teacher. Whole number enrolled 36, average daily attendance 31. Branches taught: Reading, Orthography, Grammar, Arithmetic, Geography, History, Bookkeeping and Writing. The ages of the pupils range from 6 to 22. Following is the roll of honor: Emery TAYLOR, Harland TAYLOR, Rose TAYLOR, Henry TAYLOR, Laura KELLY, Hugh PARDIN, Henry KELLY, Olive CLEMEN, Annie SUTTON, Mattie McGLOTHELEN, Stella McGLOTHLEN, Benj. LIPTRAP, Lizzie LIPTRAP, Wallace CAPPS, Walter CAPPS, Geo. LONGMIRE, Chas. WOODCOCK, Milton BURGE, May PRICE, Annie O'NEAL.
FINE CATTLEPOLLY & SPLAWN drove through town (Yakima) yesterday with one hundred head of fine beef cattle intended for the Astoria market. The cattle will be driven by land to The Dalles, thence by steamer to their destination. They have been fed all Winter and are in Splendid condition. |