Yakima Record
Yakima City, Yakima County, Washington Territory
April 17, 1880
(This web page only contains articles that referred to Kittitas Valley.)
(The Yakima Record copies were taken from microfilm which is very hard to read, too light
and/or too dark), therefore there may be articles which were missed by the transcriber.)
Mr. QUIETSCH, interested with Marshall BLINN in the quartz mines of the Peshastin district, arrived by Tuesday's stage and went on up to Ellensburgh the same day. We hear a rumor that he has the machinery of a quartz mill on the way, which is soon to arrive.
ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Notice is hereby given to those ???? holding claims against the estate of Thomas CANADAY, late of Yakima county, deceased, are required to present the same to the undersigned Administrator, for settlement thereof, at his residence in East Kittitas Valley, in Yakima county, W. T., within one year from this date, with the necessary proofs and vouchers, or they will be forever barred. Done by order of the Probate Court of Yakima county, W. T., March 15th, 1880. Milton CANADAY, Administrator. By E. P. BOYLE, Attorney for estate.
SOME ADS CANADAY's Mill, near Ellensburgh, W. T., Milton & Robt. N. CANADY, Proprietors. The Proprietors beg leave to announce that they are now prepared to furnish a first-class article in Flour. Custom work promptly attended to.