Yakima Record

September 4, 1880

Yakima City, Yakima County, Washington Territory

(This web page only contains articles that referred to Kittitas County areas.
The copy is dark and hard to read. ? indicates words or letters that cannot be read.)

The Stockage

Grocery and Bakery Odd Fellows Building, Ellensburgh


At the primaries held on Saturday last in Ellensburg, the following were chosen as delegates to represent the Democracy of that precinct in the County Convention: Charles SCHNEBLY, Mr. VAN RITTER E. W. LYEN, Mr. LeCLERC, Samuel OLMSTEAD,
Mr. McMURRAY, P. McCLERY, Richard PENNELL. Our informant failed to remember the name of the ninth delegate.


Edward PLUMMER, says the Seattle Intelligencer, has purchased a ranch east of the mountains in the Kittitas Valley and is stocking it as rapidly as possible. He has already got quite a band of horses, a few cattle, and will start for Webfoot, shortly, for stock sheep. There is no business we know of that promises so favorable and lucrative results, that a young man with a small capital can engage in, as stock raising in Eastern Washington.


Our correspondent, "Mac", writing under date of the 1st inst, says: Accompanied by Mr. E. R. YOCUM of this place, I set out lately for a drive to Lake Cleelem, situated some 45 miles northwest of Ellensburg, intending a trip of recreation and observation. Our way led through the Swauk and Teanawin country. At the latter place, which we had not before visited, our interest was awakened by the realities of the situation. We found here a valley several miles in length and averaging a mile in breadth through which coursed a fine
stream of water, capable of supplying innumerable sites for water power. A number of the choicest locations for a farming settlement could be here taken with the advantages of timber and water in inexhaustible quantities at hand. From here to the Lake, there successively appeared on every hand clearings in the timber which revealed to the sight beautiful and extensive scopes of land of the richest fertility. In places springs are to be found quite frequently. It is true that this is a mountainous country, and a remarkable characteristic of this section is its easy and practicable access by wagon travel. There are no particular steep and formidable hills to encounter on the journey. A two horse team we learned, pulled 2000 lbs. the entire distance to the Lake, upon which is situated STOUT's logging camp. The main Lake Cleelem, we learn is applied to two lakes of about the same size and situated on the same stream. The lower one which we reached is about 6 miles in length and two miles wide. Salmon and trout are plentiful within its waters and the river bearing the same name. Sometimes, when the water surges heavily great numbers of salmon are landed upon the beach and are devoured by the attending gulls. On our return we stopped at a cabin near the mouth of the Teanawin, occupied by two men who are engaged in getting out ties. The cabin had been built a year or more ago by some miners who have done considerable work, constructing a quarter mile of ditch, putting up a water wheel and pump and carrying on operations for some time. The diggings were abandoned for the present. We learned that the gold was so fine here that a great loss occurs in taking out and saving it. The
gravel is considered very rich and by the best processes of working, will probably some day yield rich returns. We were shown here some specimens of stone coal found on the river. Its discoverer told me he had not yet prospected the lead to find out its extent. The specimens shown us were of good quality according to our judgment. The country abounds in mineral largely, and a number of prospectors have been and are now on the trace of it. We met three men returning from the Kechlas Lake where they found some quartz, probably a lead. Travel through the Snoqualmie pass exceeds any former year. It is mostly in this direction; 35 or 40 men recently arrived at the Tie camp to commence work. We have had pretty rainy weather here for a few days past. It is clearing up now. Our return was made on last Sunday. Chinamen are going into the Swauk mines in great numbers. We met 13 headed for there and we learned a crowd went in shortly before. The soldiers camped on the Minashtash where here and Tuesday morning took their departure.