Yakima Record

Yakima City, Yakima Co., Washington Territory
January 15, 1881

(This web page only contains articles that referred to Kittitas Valley.)

(The Yakima Record copies were taken from microfilm which is very hard to read, too light
and/or too dark), therefore there may be articles which were missed by the transcriber.
?? indicates words that could not be read.)


For the following items of interest we are indebted to ex-Deputy Auditor J. O. CLARK. It purports to be a synopsis of the business of the Auditor's office for the year 1880, and is as follows (edited): There were recorded during the year: Chattel mortgages, 24; on real estate 43; deeds, 99; patents, 14; receiver's receipts, 6; one chattel mortgage cancelled; one real estate mortgage cancelled; one commissioner's deed recorded; licenses issued, 18, for which was received $972.50. This goes to the School Fund. Liens filed, 9; transcripts of judgement filed, 10. During the year 20 marriage licenses were issued -- the greatest number being in the months
of June, October, November, and December.
The following record of marriages was also made: (These are all in Yakima County of that date, which included the current Kittitas County.)
February 7th J. B. HUNTINGTON to Eloise J. GUILLAND.
February 17th G. W. GILLESPIE to Mrs. E. PADDOCK.
March 15th D. R. EDWARDS to Eva L. SCAMMON.
April 5th Emery W. R. TAYLOR to Anna H. SUTTON.
May 22d Jas. E. BATES to Martha A. MULKEY.
June 2d P. T. GERVAIS to Katie A. BARTHOLET.
June 18th Wm. H. RADER to Ellen BAILES.
June 18th A. J. BAILES to Sarah J. RADER.
July 14th Washington O. DOT to Lucy PHILIP.
August 20th Robert A. MAPLE to Alice M. GILES.
September 24th John J. TYLER to Annie MARTIN.
October 1st Edwin COOKE to Lois M. YOCUM.
October 11th John KITSMILLER to Nellie DUNCAN.
October 21st Wm. D. OGDEN to Mary E. BARTHOLET.
November 19th Ed. LINDSEY to Emma HENSON.
November 23d Orlando BECK to Corinne SOUTHERN.
November 26th George O. NEVIN to Maggie DAVERN.
December 16th Henry TONER to Katinka COLEMAN.
December 20th Wisfield S. STEVENS to Nancy J. CLARK.
December 27th Henry Walter BURBANK to Elizabeth C. ADAMS.


At the residence of E. E. BUTLER on the Wenas, Dec. 23d, and by E. BUTLER, J. P., Winfield S. STEVENS to Miss Nancy J. CLARK, both of Wapato Valley, Yakima County.


U. S. Land Office, Yakima, W.T. Dec 14th, 1880 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at this office, January 25, 1881, viz.: Patrick DESMOND, D. S. No. 3188, for the sw 1/4 of sw 1/4, section 12, township 17 north, range 18 east, and names the following as his witnesses, viz.: Benjamin W. FRISBIE, Thomas O. STEPP, Frederick LODI, and Fenton McDONALD, all of Ellensburg,
W. T. R. B. KINNE, Register.