Yakima Record

October 1, 1881

(This web page only contains articles that referred to Kittitas Valley.)



U. S. Land Office, Yakima, W. T., Sept. 29, 1881 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof, at this office November 3, 1881, viz.: Christian BLOOMFIELD, D. S. No. 26, for the w 1/2 sw 1/2, section 20, township 18 north, range 18 east, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Peter A. WOLD, August HESSE, William HAZEL, and James SNYDER, all of Ellensburg, W. T. R. B. KINNE, Register


Cattle - Mr. S. R. GEDDIS, of Ellensburg, Yakima county, arrived in town yesterday. He brought through the Snoqualmie pass 263 head of cattle for Coulter & Son, of this city. He reports the roads this side of the summit badly cut up. The immigrant wagons, before mentioned in this columns, as being on the road over the pass, arrived safely yesterday in Swuak Valley where they will probably locate. Mr. GEDDIS says the crops in the Kittitas Valley are looking fine, and that the average yield this year will be very large. The farmers are correspondingly happy.