Yakima RecordApril 8, 1882Yakima City, Yakima County, Washington TerritoryThe copy is dark and hard to read. ? indicates words or letters that cannot be read.) GONE UPQuite a number of men went up on Saturday's stage to Ellensburg, en route to the log drive at the head of the river.NOTICE OF PROOFLand Office, Yakima, W. T, April 6th, 1882 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim ... May 10, 1882, viz.: Alezander A. MUNSON, D. S. No. 3211, Walla Walla series, for the e 1/2 n3 1/4, ne 1/4, sw 1/4 and lot 1 of section 18,township 18 north, range 18 east, and names the following as his witnesses, viz. Wm. OWENS, Winsom McMILLAN,Wm. D. KILLMORE and Daniel W. ABBOTT, all of Ellensburg, W. T.FROM ACROSS THE MOUNTAINSMr. A. M. McCORKLE, the well-known stock man of Yakima, arrived here yesterday with 44 head of cattle from east of the mountains, having shipped them by the circuitous route via Portland ... These cattle come from George SMITH's band. SMITH has 1200 head suitable for beef.... Geo. SMITH has laid in a $40,000 stock of general merchandise and will open a big store in Ellensburg. Times are good, wages high, money plenty and the people still praying for railroad connection with the Sound.DECLINEDWe have received a communication from Mr. N. T. GOODWIN of the West Side, Kittitas Valley, in reference to matters of a personal nature. As it does not bear upon the subject under discussion we shall have to decline it. However, if Mr. GOODWIN wishes to publish it as an article to be paid for, we will accommodate him.VARIEDThe steamer leaving Celilo for Priest's Rapids will bring a varied cargo consigned to parties in this county. In addition to that all ready noticed we chronicle a lot of merchandise for Thos. JOHNSON, also eleven organs for ROBBINS & Son who were here two years ago.
advertisement Pioneer Harness and Saddler Shop Ellensburgh, W. T. CHURCH & HATFIELD, Prop'rs.