Yakima RecordSeptember 16, 1882Yakima City, Yakima County, Washington TerritoryThe copy is dark and hard to read. ? indicates words or letters that cannot be read.) ELLENSBURG ITEMSSMITH Bros & Co. have leased their new building west of their store to John AMLIN for a saloon. Rumor has it that Mr. OGDEN, of Yakima City, contemplates opening a new drug store in SMITH Bros. new building, and also that his wife will open a millinery store in the same building. Samuel COLTER arrived here on Tuesday's stage from Puget Sound. Beef cattle have suddenly taken a rise here, twenty-eight and thirty dollars a head being paid by buyers for dry cows. A cleanup was made in the Tip-Top mine a few days since, which gave a yield of over fifty dollars a ton. Thos. JOHNSON of the Schafer Gold & Silver Mining Co., has returned from Peshastin and reports good prospects. He intends putting in more machinery for crushing the ores of the mine. Tom means business. Billy MILLS has sold his livery stable to Chas. REED who will carry on the business in the future. The farmers of Kittitas Valley are busy harvesting and threshing their crops, and all report a large yield. Several German farmers are in the valley looking out locations for themselves and their friends who they expect will arrive very soon.WEST KITTITASThe following named delegates were elected to represent West Kittitas precinct at the Democratic Convention: S. T. PACKWOOD, Jacob DURR, N. T. GOODWIN, S. BATES, John NEWMAN, and A. BARNES.WENAS(Note: today the Wenas is partially in Kittitas and partially in Yakima Counties.)
At the Wenas primaries, Saturday last, the Democrats of the precinct elected as delegates to their Convention the following gents: C. McGLOTHLEN, Geo. PRESSEY, H. TAYLOR, and J. BRICE.
GRAND BALLA grand ball is to take place at the BARNETT House, Ellensburg, on Friday evening, Sept. 15th. First-class music has been engaged, and we have no doubt a most pleasant time will be enjoyed.NOTICE OF PROOFLand Office, Yakima, W. T., Aug. 23, 1882 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at this office September 30, 1882, viz.: Hiram BOND, Homestead application No. 448, Walla Walla series, for the e 1/2 of nw 1/4 of section 30 in township 18 north, range 18 east and names the following as his witnesses, viz: C. A. SPLAWN, G. W. FORGEY, J. B. REGO, and W. A. STEVENS, all of Ellensburg, W. T.ADVERTISEMENTSJames H. NAYLOR, Attorney at Law, Ellensburg, W. T. Special and prompt attention given to collections and conveyances,
and all business pertaining to the profession in Washington Territory. The Palace Saloon, Main Street, Ellensburgh. SUVER, SLINGSBY & BYRNES, Prop'rs. The finest brands of wines, liquors
and cigars. In connection with our saloon business, we are running a Livery and Feed Stable, where patrons can get the finest turnouts in the county. Horses Boarded by day, week or month. |