Yakima Record

Yakima, Yakima County, Washington Territory
October 21, 1882

(This web page only contains articles that referred to Kittitas Valley.)

(The Yakima Record copies were taken from microfilm which is very hard to read, too light
and/or too dark), therefore there may be articles which were missed by the transcriber.)


Some fine croppings of coal were brought into Ellensburg the past week by Messrs. MAHR and PACKWOOD. Should it prove to be the anthracite, upon development, it will be the big find of the country. We only regret that it is located upon the other side of the mountains.


The Seattle Intelligencer says "C. C. COLEMAN has just come from Kittitas Valley with a band of 500 sheep for the market here. He came via the Snoqualmie Pass, and reports it in better condition than he ever before saw it at this time of the year.


We hear a painful rumor that Moses BOLLMAN, one of Yakima's early citizens, is lying dangerously ill at Ellensburg.


The fall rise in our streams is now at hand, and parties who are not familiar with the fords cannot be too careful in crossing. Tuesday
last Mr. TURNER, of Kittitas Valley, in company with some friends, attempted to ford the Yakima above town. His team and wagon was carried down the stream some distance by the force of the current and two or three times all were in swimming water. But fortunately a shallow place was found and all succeeded in getting to shore.


John A. SHOUDY, one of the leading merchants of Ellensburg, ???? accompanied by P. T. GERVAIS, one of our own merchants, started for Portland on Monday last. Both gents go to replenish their stock of goods. G. W. CAREY is also below the same purpose.


We noticed in town, during the week, the pleasing countenances of Mr. MASTERSON for the Teanaway, and Mr. DONAHOE from the Peshastin. The Teanaway country is beginning to attract some attention from settlers, a few already having settled there, and who speak of it in flattering terms.


Last week we gave an account of the escape of John BOGGS alias CURRAN, a desperado, who had been taken into custody at Ellensburg, and brought down here. From a paper found on his person, it was generally believed by our stock men he belonged to a band of horse thieves who have been committing depredations within our county. Parties here also recognized him as an escape from the Oregon penitentiary for whose recapture a $200 reward was offered. Such characters are not wanted in this county, especially by our stock men who have fine horses on the range.....


U. S. Land Office, Yakima, W. T., Sept. 19th, 1882 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice for his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at this office October 25, 1882, viz: Thomas McCAUSTLAND, D. S. No. 3469, Walla Walla series, for the sw 1/4 of section 10 in township 17 north, range 19 east, and names the following as his witnesses, viz. Harvey McEWEN, J. W. McEWEN, James FERGUSON, and J. KREGGER, all of Ellensburgh, W. T.


U. S. Land Office, Yakima, W. T., Oct. 10, 1882 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice for his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at this office November 13, 1882, viz: John HALEY, D. S. No. 3402, Walla Walla series, for the sw 1/? of Section 20, Township 18 north of Range 19 east, and names the
following as his witnesses, viz. John OLDING, Lyman S. BARRELL, A. B. WHITSON, and William B. INNSWELL, all of Ellensburgh, W. T.


U. S. Land Office, Yakima, W. T., Oct. 11th, 1882 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice for his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at this office November 14th, 1882 , viz: Jacob JENSON, additional homestead No. 81 for the w 1/? SW 1/? section 8 in township 17 north range 18 east and names the following as
his witnesses, viz. Evan STRANDE, Ed. RUSSELL, John SHARP, and John STEVENS, all of Ellensburgh, W. T.


U. S. Land Office, Yakima, W. T., Sept. 25, 1882 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice for his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at this office Nov. 7, 1882, viz: Henry H. DAVIS, Homestead application No. 4?? (Walla Walla series) for the nw 1/?, section 10, Township 17, North Range 18 east and names the following as his witnesses, viz. J. P. SHARP, Evans STRANDE, Jacob JENSON all of Ellensburgh, W. T.


The Palace Saloon, Main Street, Ellensburgh, SUVER, SLINGSBY & BYRNES, Pro's, The finest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. In connection with our saloon business we are running a Livery and Feed Stable, where patrons can get the finest turnouts in the county. Horses Boarded by day, Week or Month.
W. S. CROUCH, Hardware Store, Ellensburg, W. T. I beg leave to inform the public that I am just opening a large and well assorted
stock of General Hardware together with Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Agricultural Implements, Etc. I also keep the Household sewing machine for sale. This machine invariably gives good satisfaction. In fact it is now conceded to be the best in use.