Yakima Signal

Yakima City, Yakima Co., Washington Territory
September 8, 1883

(Transcriber only copied articles that may refer to the Kittitas Valley or names associated
with it. A poor microfilm was very hard to read, and so articles may have been missed.
?? indicates words that could not be read.)


Walter LINDSEY and family left here yesterday to locate on a farm in Kittitas recently purchased from Mr. BOUD. Moses SPLAWN, who has taken an active intereset in mining in this county for several years, sold an interest in the new copper mine this week to P. J. FLINT for $800. These mines promise to be very valuable. Rev. Kiethley BAILES, who has been absent for several months in California, returned home to Kittitas valley last week. Wm. HAYNES, of Kittitas valley, is still engaged in the saddle and harness shop of Charles McEWEN. He is an excellent workman. Mr. and Mrs. STAIR will leave in the early part of the week for a tour through Kittitas valley. Mrs. STAIR's visit is an official one, she being county superintendent of public schools.


The following letters have remained in the post office at Yakima, Wash. Terr., 90 days ended August 21st, 1883. In calling for any of the same, please say "advertised."
G. W. CAREY, P.M. ATKERSON, Mrs. Laura BURNS, J. M. CRUMLEY, J. H. CAMPBELL, Mrs. S. A. DAILY, Thomas DAVIS, Ralph EVENS, Jeremiah FOSTER, H. FULTON, Sterling P. GERBS, Perry A. GODLOVE, Calvin GERVAIS, M. P. HALE, Johnnie HALL, Edward JOHNSON, Wm. P. JUDSON, Stephen KRENGEIGER, Miss A. LASSEN, Christian LOWREY, Budd MILES, Arthur W. NEMIEAR, Henry PARRISH, G. E. PANKEY, Lydia M. RISLEY, Somers -2 RAND, D. H. -2 RIBIRD, J. B. -2 REAB, Miss Bard ROCHETT, Miss M. C. -2 SWAZEY, H. H. SCHONER, J. TOOMEY, L. TAYLOR, Miss Lidia TRIPP, Tolman TWONER, John Y.


Town, Agricultural, Timber and Mineral lands, and general information given to immigrants by Walter A. BULL & Co. Real Estate Agents, Ellensburg, Washington Territory.