February 2, 1884
Yakima County, Washington Territory

(This web page only contains articles that referred to Kittitas Valley.)



The breach of promise suit instituted by Miss Elsie WINTERS against W. H. CLARK (familiarly known as Billy  CLARK) came up before Justice CRAIG who made a preliminary examination with closed doors. Mr. CLARK had offered her $1,000 to settle the case without wait, but it seems that she wanted him as well. He was required to give bonds in the sum of $500 for his appearance at the next term of court. The security was readily furnished. J
ustice B. E. CRAIG, too, knows what it is to be a prisoner. It happened in this wise. Some Sundays ago there was a quiet game of euchre being played, for pasttime, at the Valley Hotel, and the Justice happened to be in the room during the game. The statute requires justices knowing of any violation of law to prosecute the same. S. C. DAVIDSON, who is a lawyer, presuming that the players drank beer at every round of the game, swore out a warrant before Justice FORD, for CRAIG's arrest. A change of venue was called for and the case taken before Justice S. T. PACKWOOD, at West Kittitas; who after taking testimony discharged the prisoner
and taxed the costs against DAVIDSON, prosecuting witness. Mr. CRAIG will commence an action against DAVIDSON
for $5,000 damages for malicious prosecution.
Walter A. BULL is successor to SMITH Bros. & Co. in the mercantile and hotel business; be is taking the
place of Dave MURRAY who was the proprietor of these establishments for some weeks past.
Henry LIVINGSTON and Zeb KELLEY who have been running a tunnel in the Teanaway copper mines came down a few days ago. They brought with them solid blocks of ore and report the "diggings" to surpass their most sanguine expectations.
The Couer d'Alene mines are kicking up quite a stir here, and a good many of the boys are preparing to make a break for that land of promise.
A friend who is just down from Teanaway Valley reports every thing there in good shape. He says the lowest the thermometer has reached there is one degree below zero. They have a well-attended school and in fact are quite cozily situated.
The Snoqualmie pass is in good condition, and cattle pass over it all right now.
Messengers from the Wenatchie report everything over there in flourishing condition.
Corwin GILES died on the 26th inst. He was a young man of much promise and well liked by all his companions.

PROBATE COURT, Judge A. A. NAVARRE presiding

(Transcriber's Note: In this time period, Kittitas County was part of Yakima County. The following notices
were in Yakima County and did not indicate where in the county the person lived, so they may or may not be
of the current Kittitas County area.)
Estate of Augustine CLEMAN, guardian ad litem appointed, and final account filed and allowed. state of Jon WEIKEL, guardian ad litem appointed, and final account continued for further hearing.
Estate of Sumner BARKER, guardian ad litem appointed, and final account continued for further hearing.
Estate of Chas H. GILBERT, Charles T. ANDERSON appointed administrator. Bond filed and approved. B. F. EGLIN, S. S. HAWKINS, and George W. WHITE appointed appraisers.
Estate of Hugh WILEY, Mary A. WILEY appointed administrator. Bond filed and approved. Josiah WILEY, T. W. WOODCOCK, and J. P. MARKS appointed appraisers. Family allowance granted.
Estate of Edward F. LEE, inventory and report of appraisers filed and approved. Some accounts deferred to hear evidence.
Estate of John McDANIEL, report of sale of real estate filed.
Estate of Horris POLLINGTON, semi-annual account filed and approved.
Estate of John M. MURRAY(insane), official notice of death filed and guardian to make final report by March 1, 1884.
Estate of O. D. BARKER, annual and final account and report of sales filed. Hearing set for March 24, 1884.