Yakima Record

May 28, 1881

Yakima City, Yakima County, Washington Territory

(This web page only contains articles that referred to Kittitas County areas.
The copy is dark and hard to read. ? indicates words or letters that cannot be read.)



As will be observed in our advertising columns, Mr. BLUMAUER of Ellensburg, has returned from San Francisco. The gentleman at that place laid in one of the finest and largest stocks of merchandise ever brought to the county. What is better, he offers them at prices which defy competition. We cordially commend him to the patronage of the public.


Theo. HESS, the well-known brewer of Ellensburg on Tuesday last agreeably surprised us by walking into our office staggering under the weight of a keg of beer. He placed it on the floor and said, "There, Chadd, is some good beer for you." It was a hot day and we sampled it instanter, and found out that HESS told the truth -- it was good beer. We shall keep Theo ever in kind remembrance for his welcome present.


The large boiler intended for the saw mill of Thos. JOHNSON which mill is to be located about 35 miles above Ellensburg, passed through town on Tuesday. Several other teams laden with merchandise consigned to different merchants at Ellensburg have also passed on up. As showing the growing importance of the freighting interests of Kittitas Valley alone, we are sure we are placing it at reasonable figures when it is stated there has not been less than one hundred and fifty tons of supplies taken to that locality within the last month, and immense stores are now at the Dalles still waiting transportation.


Land Office at Yakima, W. T., May 24th, 1881: Notice is hereby given that the following named settler, has filed notice of intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at this office, June 29th, 1881, viz: Theodore HESS, homestead application No. 266, Walla-walla series, for the north half northwest quarter of section 28, township 18 north, range 18 east, and names the following as his witnesses, viz. George O'HARE, Peter WOLD, Robt. WALLACE, and Horace POLLINGTON, all of Ellensburg, W. T.


U. S. Land Office at Yakima, W. T., May 4th, 1881: Notice is hereby given that the following named settler, has filed notice of intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at this office, June 7th, 1881, viz: Robert HATFIELD, Pre-emption D. S. No. 3291, Walla-walla series, for the se 1/4 of se 1/4 of section 30, township 18 north of range 18 east, and names the following as his witnesses, viz.: John HATFIELD, S. H. BATES, Wm. STEPHENS, and Jacob REGO, all of Ellensburg, Washington Territory.


Ellensburg, Yakima County, W. T. CHURCH & McLEOD, Prop'rs. We beg leave to inform the citizens of Yakima county that we have established a shop at Ellensburg, and opened a complete stock of harness, bridles, saddles, etc. Please call and satisfy yourself as to prices. Repairing done on short notice.