Kittitas County Genealogical Society
                           Kittitas County Genealogical Society Bylaws
                                                    Article I
Section A.
The following should be considered in the pursuit of the Society’s objective:
  1. To encourage the careful documentation of names, dates, and places as compiled in genealogies.
  2. To make available a collection of historical information and materials for the Society and community.
  3. To preserve historical records both private and public.
  4. To form a network for gathering and sharing information among Society members and other genealogical and historical organizations.
  5. To offer informative programs for the novice and experienced researchers in genealogy and history.
                                 Article II
Section A.
          Annual dues shall be payable on or before January 15 and shall be considered delinquent if not paid by May 15.
Section B.
          The amount of the annual dues shall be $20.00 for an individual membership or $25.00 for a family membership
          (defined as the membership of more than one person in a household.)
Section C.
          All members in good standing shall have voting privileges.
                                     Article III
                              Duties of Officers
Section A.
          The President shall:
  1. Preside at the meetings of the members.
  2. Prepare an agenda of business that should come before the assembly.
  3. Chair the meetings of the executive board.
  4. Be the spokesperson for the Society.
  5. Appoint chairpersons as needed.
Section B.
          The President-elect shall:
  1. Be prepared to fulfill the duties of President and serve in the absence of the President.
Section C.
          The Vice President shall:
  1. Arrange programs for the meetings of the Society
  2. Serve as chair of a program committee if one is formed.
Section D.
          The Secretary shall:
  1. Keep minutes of the Society’s monthly meetings and those of the executive board.
Section E.
          The Treasurer shall:
  1. Be responsible for the general accounting of the Society’s funds.
  2. Maintain four signatures on all bank accounts and require two signatures on all checks.
  3. Be responsible for payment of bills.
  4. Be responsible for collection and notification of dues owed.
  5. Generate a monthly report.
  6. Generate an annual financial report.
  7. Maintain the membership list.
Section F.
          The Member at Large shall:
  1. Represent the membership at executive meetings.
  2. Extend courtesies, e.g. cards.
Section G.
          Chairpersons of committees shall:
  1. Recruit members, should they be needed.
                                                   Article IV
Section A.
          Regular meetings shall be held the first Monday of the months designated.
          In the event that the regular meeting cannot be held on that day, the executive board may re-schedule the meeting.
Section B.
          The executive board meetings will be at the discretion of the board.
                                                     Article V
Section A.
          The Society shall have the following standing committees:
  1. Library/Publications – led by the Head Librarian
Responsible for the day-to-day operation of the library and the maintenance of its holdings, oversight of office equipment, assessment of need for supplies. Preparation of Pioneer Certificates and publications when required.
  1. Newsletter – led by Newsletter Editor
Responsible for the content of the quarterly publication of the Society newsletter.
  1. Program – led by the Vice President
       Responsible for the planning and contacting of persons for programs at regular meetings of the Society and for the publicizing of those meetings.
  1. Website – led by the Webmaster
Responsible for the content and maintenance of the Society website.
Section B.
          The Society shall have the following select committees:
  1. Nominating
  1. The President shall appoint this committee in the month of October.
  2. This committee shall be responsible for nominating a slate of candidates for office.
  3. Those nominated shall be named at the November meeting.
  4. Auditing
    1. The President shall appoint this committee in November.
    2. This committee shall be responsible for auditing of the financial records as kept by the Treasurer.
  5. The findings of this committee shall be reported to the President by the regular meeting in February.
                  Article VI
Section A.
          Annual election of officers shall be held during the November meeting.      
Section B.
          The Nominating Committee Chair shall announce the slate of nominees at the November meeting. The President shall ask for further nominees from the assembly. In the event that there are no other nominees than those presented by the committee, then the nominations are closed and a vote taken by the assembly.
Section C.
          In the event more than one person is nominated for an office, a run-off vote by secret ballot shall be conducted.
                                                    Article VII
Section A.
          The Bylaws can be amended at any regular meeting of the Society by a two-thirds vote of the membership present, provided that           the amendment has been submitted in writing and read to the members at a previous regular meeting.
                                                  Article VIII
 Parliamentary Authority
Section A.
The Bylaws and Constitution shall constitute the governing rules of the Society.
Section B.
          Any matter not covered by the documents stated in Article VIII, Section A, shall be controlled by the Robert’s Rules of Order,                      latest edition.
                                                    Article IX
Section A.
          The Bylaws shall be in effect upon passage pursuant to Article VII, Section A and supercede any known or unknown Bylaws or              any Amendments to any Bylaws.
Approved by the Society, January 7, 2019